Hello Steemit! - My "introduce yourself" post

Hi Steemit, my name is Charnell. I’m a graphic designer by trade. I currently work for a cycling goods company but would ultimately like to be a #girlboss. I feel a little like kicking myself because my husband told me about Steemit a year ago but I’ve only recently took the time to check it out.

I don’t want to write a novel about myself so let’s break it down to likes and dislikes:

my husband
creating art & designing things
conspiracy theories (I’m a nerd and I love being one!!)
entrepreneurial things
ice cream
taking photos (sometimes a camera, most times my smartphone!)

My dislikes:
rude, mean and inconsiderate people
cruelty towards any type of being (people, children, animals, plants, you name it – I beat bullies up!)

Over to “Show and Tell”:
This is me and Hubster. This was taken in Hermanus, South Africa, Dec 2017.


Our furry children, Neville and Amber.


I like to dapple in a bunch of things. All the half-finished projects drive my husband nuts but I promised myself that I’ll finish what I start this year. So far so good.

My first ever quilt (with A LOT of assistance from my mom-in-law). I made it for my little niece.


The next project I did on my own, it was two dog pillows (which was annihilated in the meantime and had to be remade). This was version 1. Yeah..don’t let those faces fool you, you are looking at the destroyers of pillows!


A couple of paintings I’ve done a while back. I’ve started painting again and will post as I complete them. I’m a little out of practice but will remedy that soon.


This is a bathroom rug made from t shirt yarn. A month in on working on the rug, I couldn’t help but think what the hell did I get myself into. If I do it again, I would definitely make some changes to how I did it.


Some mosaic projects that I’m finishing up now


I’ve done a little pottery and will take this up again at a later date when work settles down a bit.



This year sofar, I’ve painted curtains.


And a very small canvas.


I hope you enjoyed this short introduction to me and what I like to do. If you’ve gotten this far, thank you for taking the time to scroll through.


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