This Is My First Post, Happy To Be Here.


Hello, friends from the Steemit community. My name is Samuel, I’m 21, I live in Caracas, Venezuela, where I’m currently studying international trade and also teaching drum lessons.

I found this site through my girlfriend, who found it through other musician friends of her. To be honest, I created this account months ago but it became really hard for me thinking what to talk about on this first post, since it’s weird for me to talk about myself. I’m going to make it as simple as I can:

I play the drums since 2008, I started seeing lessons until those where replaced by rehearsels and I finally dropped out of them. I’ve been in various bands since then even though I never got any further from recording just demos for all those projects. I then played with a Symphonic Rock Juvenile Orchestra, this experience changed my way of studying my instrument, I went into a more academic and practical type-of playing, which made me taking my work much more seriously and now I have 9 students to which I give lessons on a basic level.


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I like to play salsa mainly and all of its afrocuban and afrocaribbean subgenres. Also adore to play reggae, funk and little by little and getting into jazz. I love playing and listening to rock, mostly if it is progressive/alternative. In general, I enjoy any artist that offers at least a pinch of complexity and beauty in the music they make, I’m not really into listening anything that pops in the radio.


I’m a huge lover of rap music, I admire and comprehend the aesthetic old-school and new school hip-hop portrays, even if it is from America or from Latin-America. This interest has taken me to explore other ramifications of hip-hop culture like Graffiti, not many people know this but in 2016 I went out sometimes to paint in Caracas, it was something premature and I’m over it, not only because it’s expensive but also because it’s dangerous.


4 years ago, I started studying international trade in Caracas and currently I’m at my final year of the career. This year I have to think about internships and topics for my degree thesis, beyond that, I also have to start thinking about job opportunities outside of the country given that Venezuela has gone into a point of no return.

Now, my username might not make sense because it’s in Spanish but even in that language it’s still hard to explain. “Vacila” is some sort of a slang word for “look” and Godzila is just Godzilla. It is a kind of a quirky, and luckily, easy to remember kind of name. It’s also a nod to what I intent to do on this profile, which is developing a wide range of diverse content that, hopefully, you could enjoy or at least I can enjoy making.

I salute you all, thanks for reading.

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