Hello!, Hola!, Namaste!, Bonjour!, Ciao!, Witam!, Marhabab!, Ni Hau!, Salama Aleikum!, Ola!, Guten Tag!!!

Hello Steemit and Community!!!

This is my very first ever post here. I'm super excited to be part of this great social media movement.
So I have joined a few days back and was just trying to get the feel of Steemit. After my first day on the platform I have noticed that this is something different than your regular social media network (aka. Fakebook or Twitter). Steemit seems to be filed with more open minded people and people that do not afraid to write about topics that are pretty much censored on other networks. Feels Private. That's why i decided to stick with Steemit and forget about other platforms that are very much trying to control your privacy... Facebook actually feels like hanging all your dirty laundry somewhere on a billboard in the middle of Time Square and then asking only your friends to look at it...right?

Well Hello Everyone Again!!!


My name is D. aka @unknown-one. I'm 32 years old, happily married and I have two beautiful girls ages 5 and 6. I was born and raised in Poland in a small city with aprox. 10k people but at the age of 17 I have decided to move to United States and pursue after "American Dream" as at that time I didn't see myself being stuck to the same place with no future for growth. As I came to US, I started to work in construction and eventually become a carpenter. I love what I do and don't see my self doing anything else. I speak few languages and those are Polish, English, Spanish and Russian.

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In 2015 I got addicted to cryptocurrency and started to invest in Bitcoin and other altcoins. As anyone who just started with investing and trading I made tons of mistakes which led all my accounts look like a bag of dried potatoes...haha. So after few months on the market I've learned my lessons and since then I decided to HODL every piece of cryptocurrency I own and just buy more on dips.
Lately I've started to listen programs on YouTube about Anarchy and AnarchoCapitalism and one them is @dollarvigilante . @jeffburwick was talking about Steemit about 1 year ago but somehow that didn't register in my head to actually go on Steemit and opening an account....HUGE mistake... so me being on Steemit is thanks to @dollarvigilante , full credit goes to him.
Some of my favorite YouTube Channels:

  • DollarVigilante @dollarvigilante - AnarchoCapitalism
  • Crypt0 News @crypt0 - Cryptocurrency news
  • Mr. Dapperton - AnarchoCapitalism
  • Josh Olszewicz - Technical Analysis
  • Aaron Ag - Technical Analysis
  • The Chart Guys - Technical Analysis
  • Jerry Banfield @jerrybanfield - you all probably know him
    And many more...

On my days off I drive for Uber. I love to talk and interact with people. Currently I live in New York very busy place that never sleep. I will definitely spread the word about Steemit as I do it with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, and on my time off I like to travel with my family. One of my hobbies is photography. I like to take shots of sunsets, skies, ocean and animals of all kinds.

In the upcoming days I will be sharing with you my pictures, stories and opinions so please stay tune .

Thanks for reading and please forgive me for all my misspells and grammar.

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