Hi there! This is me.

13 03 2018. An auspicious day to begin my writing journey on Steemit ;)


It took me the longest time to muster up the courage to write this post. So here it is, my very first post. This is long overdue owing to the fact that I first stumbled upon Steemit after reading @Maverickfoo's Day Zero post on the experiment he was planning to run with some under-served youth in a Youth Entrepreneurship Programme with CyberCare. (Well, actually I HAVE seen him post about Steemit, just wasn't as motivated to sign up). And to think that I got access to my account the very next day after registering but am only writing my first post today. Newsflash: The youth have actually graduated from the programme! Talk about procrastination eh.

There was this fear that my content would not be good enough and that no one would be interested to read about the things that I write about. What would I write about? I might have an idea today but what about tomorrow? And the days after that? I WILL one day run out of things to write! Even after attending a Steemit Bootcamp, I was still stuck in my head.

Ironically, I have been told that I can write, and I have. I was ‘forced’ to enter an essay writing competition organised by UN in secondary school, and guess what? I won! 1st place in the English category, nationally! I was ecstatic and thought that I COULD write. But have never been consistent enough. Wrote once for a magazine but my article didn’t get chosen to be published. I felt beat. Never ever want to write again. Then came another chance, to write for the company’s internal newsletter. I was always stumped with creating content and when the newsletter got scrapped, I felt a mixture of relief but also sadness. I was kinda proud with what I have achieved, but still I felt that I was not good enough.

So here I am! My attempt to write again. With hopes that my sharing inspires, my experiences move, my views read.

Till then, let me rack my brains on what to write my next post about.

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