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Tutornary is a community that aims to empower individuals with the necessary tools for a comfortable, enterprising and fulfilling life. It is a coinage which describes a rare initiative for servicing human lives, helping those in need of training, putting helpful skills in attractive showcase for onlookers, thus, dropping usable cash on the palms of people on the timid side of life.

We are hosted on Steemit and powered by the Steem Blockchain.

We are the first crypto-based (Steem) education agency that undertakes tuition across all fields of learning, gathering qualified experts to attend to the needs of the online/offline users. Needs which include, but not limited to, intellectual, business, personal development and skills acquisition.

We are a link between experts and willing learners, created to meet the demands of literacy and vocation, not necessarily intellectual. We found out by observation that most people especially youngsters from our part of the world venture into things, having partial or completely no knowledge of what to do, hence, earning frustration, lack of sustainability and continuity.



On request, tutornary offers:

  • ONLINE learning and mentorship in any aspect of learning which includes but not restricted to skill acquisition and vocations, business development, crypto and blockchain technology (crytoducation), Steemit (#steem-assist) among many others through our online channels: ZOOM, SKYPE, DISCORD among others. We make available all the materials needed.

  • OFFLINE learning and mentorship in any aspect of learning which includes but not restricted to skill acquisition and vocations, business development, crypto and blockchain technology (crytoducation), Steemit (steem-assist) among many others through private forums with tutornary personnel or public forums at Steem Empowerment Centers managed by tutornary.



  • Skill Acquisition

In many parts of the world, thousands of graduates are churned out from the educational system every year with little or no employment. One major reason for this is the fact that there are no jobs. 98% of these individuals lack the skill set to create jobs. They spend four years in the University learning to become employees, so they come out from the system looking for nonexistent employment.

Tutornary comes to the rescue, solving the problem of unemployment and meeting the need for skill acquisition. We believe that mere qualification isn't enough, thus with the help of the Steem ecosystem, we have created a community of skilled trainers who will pass these needed skills to young people who really need them, to better their lives and that of the society at large. #tutornary-skill

  • Mentorship and Empowerment

We don't just teach skills, we mentor individuals who have distinguished themselves in their respective career path, take the pains to properly guide and mentor these persons.

We take our time to properly give the appropriate amount of psychosocial aid, career counsel and role modeling. The interaction that occurs in the mentoring relationship between the mentors and mentees go a long way in setting them up for life.

After proper mentoring, we don't just leave our mentees hanging. LEVERAGING ON THE REWARD POOL, we empower them with needed equipment to kick off their start-ups. Tutornary also extends empowerment alms in the form of high school scholarships, college scholarships, support Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) among many other support initiatives we have in view. #tutornary-mentorpower

  • Intellectual Development

We are in the era of information or what some people would call the information age. Information passes us every day with the speed of light. To this effect we have built a community of intellectuals from different fields of study who would fill the intellectual gap between these intellectuals and prospective learners; more like osmosis from a region of intellectually high concentration to a region of lower intellectual concentration. We have instituted a structure through which this information would be passed to willing learners of all ages, at their leisure time and place of convenience. #tutornary-intel

  • Cryptoducation

Cryptoducation is a tutornary coinage under which one receives intense training in cryptocurrency and blockchian technology. This is achieved in affiliation with #CryptonAfrica. #tutornary-cryptoducation

As mentioned earlier, tutornary derives its life blood from the STEEM blockchain in earnings and donations, thus, has STEEM PROMOTION as part of its projects. Steem-Assist was born under this concern. The tag #steem-assist is reserved to tutornary for its STEEM PROMOTION purposes.

Under the #steem-assist project tutornary shall:

  • Host weekly public forums/meetups targeted at reaching to at least 100 individuals, teaching them to adopt steem as the next generation medium of exchange as well as providing them with broad enlightenment about steemit, the steem blockchain and how to efficiently interact with the crypto space. This is estimated at about $100 per week.

  • Set up properly equipped offline centers (Steem Empowerment Centers) to foster the growth of the steem ecosystem and general tutornary activities. This is estimated at about $1,450 per center.
  • Provide curation for selected category of posts as @tutornary steempower graduates. At least 4,000SP is needed for an effective curation venture.
  • Facilitate quality contents of grand aesthetic touch by providing regular reviews/tips on posts of members of the steemit community. #steem-assist



Tutornary as at the time of this publication is very brand new and currently has offline partnership/presence in Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa but intends to expand beyond those borders with time.



Tutornary can be accessed through the following platforms; hence contacting us would be easy and hitch free. You are sure to get an immediate response, location notwithstanding.
The following platforms you can access us through.

  1. Our DISCORD, STEEMIT and STEEMIT.CHAT (@tutornary): Join our DISCORD GROUP
  2. Whatsapp Group: Join our WHATSAPP GROUP
  3. Via email:
  4. Our Telephone Numbers: Will be available on subsequent publications.



Our activities (reach outs, mentorship and empowerment) demand a lot of funds for smooth execution. Current funding comes from the efforts of the tutornary pioneering team (more on that will be disclosed on a later content). We would really need major funding from the members of the steemit community.

Your benevolent upvotes will be greately appreciated. Donations to our course won’t also be overlooked. Weekly updates of our progress will be made available. Thanks! Lets Steemit!

Feel free to use the #tutornary tag on your educational contents. This will enhance visibility of your post by the tutornary team, supporters, readers and curators

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