Hello Steemit, I am Kismet ^^

So yeah, Kismet means destiny or fate, I run by that name often cause I feel it suites me quite well the ultimate catalyst; fate. I've had a steemit account for sometime, but never really made use it. I'm not a social influencer, or a blogger or vlogger. But the idea of having ownership of your content in the blockchain appeals to me.

The other day I was looking into steemit again, and somehow ended up in tense debate about the topic "Should girls be allowed to play on boy’s teams?" (In case your wondering, I staunchly defended the concept that team sports should not be gender segregated) Anyway, the debate soon morphed into whether or not women were weaker than men. At some point however I thought it was pointless to continue to participate in the debate, and just tuned out. (Happens a lot on the internet these days... )

Sometime goes by, and then I noticed something. "Author Rewards". Wow! (Don't get too excited now, were talking about < than  0.159 STEEM ). Its not about the "STEEM". Its about "recognition", someone out there must have seen the light, agreed with my points, and upvoted me. And that was supercool. And since I really like crypto, and how it has enabled so many, its really cool that this recognition comes with "Crypto Cookies" if you will. 

So I figured, steemit is perfect for the once in a while poster (which I am). And I get to see content thats less mainstream than my feeds on feedly. And to date, I have found some pretty cool stuff, and hopefully been able to share some myself as well. 

Right then.. so thats pretty much what turned me into a more active steemian. 

So who is Kismet (Tribe9) or whatever you choose to call me. 

Well I'm someone that appreciates the country side, nature in general (clean air, scenic views) just makes me feel better. Found a really cool podcast on the topic the other day Ill share it in another post, so stay tuned.

I also enjoy other things, anything to do with tech, science, scifi, anime, animals, dogs, cats, video games(casually), art. Guess my interests are a little all over the place. Professionally I work in the IT industry, and most of the time I really enjoy doing that, so long as the work culture doesnt spoil it for me. (Some of you techies might be able to relate to this, its when actual constructive tech work is stalled due to office politics).IT assets (Servers, Code, Switches, etc) don't care for politics, and neither do I. And I thought if I was in IT I could get away from it hehehe yeah... guess not.

Interests Summary:

  • Games: RPGs, mmos, MTG, MOBA (PC, Switch, Xbox, PS4)
  • Favorite RPG of all time?: Chrono Trigger!
  • SciFi:(Books/TV/Anime) think Dune, Blade Runner, Battlestar Galactica, Vikings, GoT, etc...
  • Tech: Virtualization, Linux, Python, GO, Mac, Android
  • Sports: Paintball, Scuba, Skateboards
  • Misc: Dog training without the use of force, or harming them.
  • Music? Almost anything that sounds good to me! Have a soft spot for really good acoustic guitar songs.

Despite that I also appreciate reading, not just kindle mind you, no... actual books. Sometimes about actual important issues, historical events, or just scifi, or tech related books. 

I've got a native command of 3 languages, have lived or worked in many parts of the world...at some point I've lost track. And that's great, cause you're understanding of life, humans, the world, and your own life philosophy has a chance to grow a lot this way, should you choose to allow it. Plus cultural diversity makes for a lot of funny moments, and in some cases miserable ones too. But hey, life tends to be a bit of sweet and sour anyway.

Often I catch myself questioning concepts or ideals, and ask "Why?, Says who? How was this determined?, Why do we still believe this today?" I suppose in short you could say I'm inquisitive, and I try to the best of my ability to discourage "blind follow" behavior, and encourage independent thought. 

I also find anthropology interesting, come to think of it, I think I chose the wrong career, I should have gone for a Phd and taught in college. But hey... who knows.. maybe Ill still do that one day.

Alrighty then, that was a lot more than I thought I'd post, hope your still awake, and I wish you a great day. "N'Keep Steemin" (TM) =p

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