Introduce Myself To My Fellow Steemians!

1520358495764.jpgHello Everyone,
My name is treiii ive been on Steemit for most of a week now and i got off to a little of a misunderstood start as to how to introduce myself properly. So here is a more in depth introduction of who i am and what my goal is here on Steemit. Im an artist in his mid twenties from New England born and raised. I havent had the chances yet to travel much in life but ive gone along the eastern boarder of the U.S as a teen and a little up north so everything ive learned of culture and art has been through years of studying and learning which goes hand and hand with my love for knowledge gain. I have a passion for art because it allows me to help others open the doors in their minds that they may have not opened yet and allow them to view life and the world we live in from many different angles and levels. My main mission for Steemit is one of the same mission as for my art. To open minds up. Awareness has been a massive factor in my life since a young young age and i believe firmly it is one of the keys to greatness in us all. My artwork is influenced by every walk of life. From the music i listen to or the literature im studying or even my everyday situations thay i obtain relizations from so to view my work in a whole would be to view many many many topics and ideas at once. As i continue on Steemit im planning to branch into the other areas of Steem and begin to make videos and more elaborate posts where i will open topics for discussion and provide more background and explainations to my artwork for you all to hopefully read view and love. Im here to support and share with everyone else doing something great with this amazing platform and all of its tools and applications. I hope to see you on my blog and interacting in my posts and content to come!
I have added an artwork of myself as the first image because i will not be posting any clean non edited forms of photography of myself so you can get a feel of who is @treiii. The following artwork below is three works ive done that i really enjoyed and felt i captured a great energy within them by creating them. I hope you all love and enjoy my work to the fullest.
Im here for love not hate so please any negativity dont bring it to my plate because there is enough of it in the world already.
Have an amazing day filled with life and love everyone and thank you for checking out my official introduction.
Sincerely, @treiii




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