Meet an ethical hacker...

Hello fellow Steemians, my name is Olaniyi Emmanuel Tosyn and I'm an Ethical well as a Web and Android Developer. I grew up a tech enthusiast and code addict (surrounded by tech savvy family members) having studied Computer Science and currently studying Cyber Security in Federal University of Technology, Minna. I spend most of my time with my laptop, writing codes/scripts, designing apps, performing vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (looking for bugs in websites and applications) although, on other days when I'm not being a nerd, I sing, take pictures of nature, watch movies and workout.
I recently participated in a hacking competition (the first in Nigeria) in Abuja where I came in 6th outta 35, so I like to see myself as the 6th best Hacker in Nigeria.
@ojeks31 introduced me to Steemit and well I intend to bring my expertise in cyber space security, Web and Android development...cyber security in general because if we look at the current global trends in cyber security, we'll realize that cyber attacks is at its highest and will continue to increase.
To conclude, I hope my contributions to this community will make it safer and better for us all.

PS: I'm an Ethical Hacker, emphasis on "ethical" so you can erase that thought from your mind, yes you...

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