Hi Everybody!

Hi Everyone,

I may have done this a little bass-ackwards and posted a bit before introducing myself, but lets see if i can go into the wayback machine and fix this egregious error and tell you guys a little bit about myself.

So, first off, a little about me.

about me

Ok, all Dad puns aside, my name is Tony and, to be honest, I'm not a big fan of long walks on the beach. Have you ever walked in sand for a long time? It can be exhausting! Anyhow, by day, I'm a mild, sometimes ill-mannered Systems Engineer for a blossoming software company. I'm making the conversion to a DevOps engineer and it's an exciting change of pace in my career. However, by night, I'm a mild, often ill-mannered Father/Husband for a blossoming family of four. The hours are way longer and my bosses can be ruthless, but the perks are pretty amazing.


  • Crypto - Of course, I'm still getting my feet wet, but I've been trading and investing for a bit now and I'm starting to get involved in the communities that I'm invested in.
  • Automation - With my work role transition, this is becoming a massive part of my life. It's hard for me to hand over control to our new robot overlords, but damn, they sure do good work.
  • Gaming - Board games, card games, video games, Tabletop RPG, online poker, calling shotgun, you name it!
  • Sports - The four major US sports, but also futbol, tennis, golf. Again, much like gaming, if it's a sport, I'm at least interested.
  • Electronics - Arduino, Teensy, RasPi, custom build all-the-things!
  • Woodworking - Wood, Tools to alter/destroy/attach wood, other.....things about wood.
  • RC - Cars, Drones, and a very frightening RC Heli (Seriously, that thing scares the shit out of me!)
  • Audio - Live sound, recording, building/repairing gear, etc.
  • Show Lighting - Traditional lighting, 3D projection mapping, laser design
  • Lion Taming - Hell, I put this on my real resume, so why not here?
  • And much much more!

There's always more to tell and I love to tell a good story, so I'm sure I'll be boring you guys to death real soon with tales of ridiculousness. Everyone I've worked with in here so far has been great, really accepting, and great to see in this niche community. It's awesome to know human decency is alive and well, especially in some of the newer corners of the internet.

Thanks again to those who have welcomed me thus far. I hope I can provide some sort of useful help or humor to this community. As with all my friends, I'm here to help and will always be willing to lend a hand with anything. Take care everyone.

Thank you and good night!

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