Ready-Fire-Aim - Hello Fellow Steemers...Let's Do This!

Ready-Fire-Aim - Hello Fellow Steemers...Let's Do This!

This post is initially scared the hell out me!


Because you only get one chance to make a first impression and this (and every post) I make will live on the blockchain into eternity...GULP!

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In addition:

I've avoided social media for most of my life.

But I'm going to take the READY-FIRE-AIM approach so LETS DO THIS...

My name is Brian Rose


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My First Mug Shot...

Some Background On How I FINALLY Got Here

I started out as a "SOES BANDIT" looking very much like the guy in the picture (not me but you get the idea)

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(source: Booyah Stock Trading)

I sat in this very trading room for years with the original "BANDIT" Harvery Hautkin watching trader after trader (and many friends) burn out.

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After a small stint at a different trading firm and realizing that I needed more of this in my life

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I left to pursue another interest, health. Taking the Ready-Fire-Aim approach I showed up at Wholefoods Market for an interview with no prior "official" experience but with a passion for healthy living. They liked me and hired me on the spot as an assistant team leader as they called it.

Wholefoods Market was great and I learned alot there...

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BUT in the end they're a corporation (now owned by Amazon crazy) and if you work there you need to deal with all the corporate bullshit (and low pay).

After a few years there I left to pursue greener pastures and that's when I met this guy...

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I befriended Bill Bartmann, picked everything from his brain that I could (not literally of course)

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and subsequently partnered with him to make sure "debtors" got treated with the dignity and respect they deserved. (If any of you are being hounded by debt collectors or know somebody that is hit me up I can help)!

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And this brings me here, today.

After agreeing to an exchange of assets for a stake in Bill's two companies several years ago, I've been focusing on family and being the best dad possible while looking for the next big thing. It took awhile but I found it here in the steemit community.

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Will The Real Brian Rose Please Stand Up

All of the above means nothing if you don't have a healthy balance in your life so WHO IS BRIAN ROSE?

Some Family Stuff...

I'm happily married to my lovely wife who has continually stood by me both in the worst and best of times. She's the best thing that ever happened to me (and we met on a blind date)!

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We have two beautiful children

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three really if you count my niece (it's a long, sad story but my wife and I will always be here for her)

They're like brother and sister, it's so cute!

Some Travel Stuff...

We love to travel but this has become increasing difficult with two youngsters on-board

beach in turks and caicos

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jumping off my bungalow deck in Le Taha Tahati to join my swim mate below
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They tell you when you're there that Black-tip Sharks are friendly, not very comforting!

Other Interests

I love sports especially football and basketball

Go Cowboys!

oops wrong pic :)

I enjoy skiing whenever I get the chance

Zugspitze in Germany with family

Parting Words...

As the great sports agent Dicky Fox says in the movie Jerrie Maguire,

"I don't have all the answers. In life, to be honest, I failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my wife. I love my life. And I wish you my kind of success."


Thank's for taking the time to get to know me. I plan on being a valuable contributing member of this community for a long time!

To your health and wealth,


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Thanks for all the tips that helped make this post possible from these and other steemers!!!

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