Starting in universe Steemian!


My name is Theryhus Lombardo Contreras, I’m 24 years old, I live in Venezuela, I’ve lived all my life in Tachira State, Venezuela where i was born in June 23, 1993 at the Central Hospital of San Cristobal. I grew up with my mother, grandmother and little brother.

I spent half of my life between Tariba, a town in the outskirts of San Cristobal, and Bogotá, due to family affairs. My mother personality and professionalism ((she’s a fashion designer and an industrial engineer) had an effect in my way to see the world, keeping me open minded but still structured. In that time i started to enjoy movies, especially 60-80 movies, I was a real of TCM and could spent entire nights enjoying the classics; I also watched mexican movies of the golden era with my grandmother every weekend, and somehow in the sleepless nights I ended up watching Robot Chicken as well, which made me appreciate the satirical comedy.

When i was 14, my family and I moved to a rural area 30 km away from our previous house. This, sadly, made me lose cable tv and internet, what is kinda bad if you love movies as much as I; but, on the bright side, this forced me to improve my social skills and to become more attached to my family.


Back to present, in the month I’ve been waiting for the Steemit confirmation, things have changed quite a lot. If my password had arrived two weeks ago I would have introduced myself as a regular student of computer engineering, but two weeks I had an epiphany of sorts about my career, I realized I had spent four years of my life in this prestigious university, studying an amazing career with excellent teachers, and I still didn’t feel like I belonged there, I kept going just for the degree.


At the same time, I discovered a love for photography, you see, I never had a camera of my own so taking photos was a little alien to me. But, last year I went to work In colombia and saved so money to buy a smartphone, an LG-K8, not the best camera in the world, but with it I discovered Instagram and started following people and take photos more often. Being as I am I started to documentate about photography because If you’re going to do something, you should do it right.

As i continued exploring Photography i I found out that that’s what I want to do with my life, I knew it because I finally approved a signature I took 3 times and felt nothing, just emptiness. So, after much thought, I decided to drop out of university and actually having to tell my family was what cemented my decision. It might sound crazy, I know but I just love to take pictures and one day I’ll be a photography director, even though It’ll take a lot of work.

Now that my perspective changed, I’m at a loss about what to post here, previously I thought about writing about movies and books only from the storytelling perspective because It’s something I know how to do. This is the first window I’ve had to express myself because I’m a real introvert so opening up like this is quite complicated. However, I’m in a process of experimenting and growing, I want to break the limitations I set for myself, because breaking these chains will help to overcome myself. I hope this post wasn’t too cheesy but I’m afraid it’s the way I write and may be repeated.

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