Three guys from Romania on Steemit

Hello Steemit, we are The Messengers.

Why are we here

We are here to send messages that motivates you, inspire you, or that make you let's put a smile on that face (got the reference? ) , even though none of us is that funny...but hey, at least we try.
Oh, and we are here for the money, of course.
Anyway, we are just a group of people, which, due to lack of creativity, decided to gather and make a single account, where we'll post periodically (mostly bullshit) but if it gains followers, we are up for it.

What are we going to do

With all jokes aside, our goal for the next couple of years (because we’re taking a long-term commitment with this site) is to butt fuck your mind in any ways possible.
We’re going to post pictures about things we consider awesome and writings on different topics.

About us

We are 3 open minded guys from Romania. Yes, you read that right. Romania, that exotic place with no highways and a lot of bad music. We are a writer on the edge of collapsing, a marketer who’s a player and Matthew. We are not just a team, nor just friends. We’re something more. What more? We don’t even know.

This is where everything began


We are glad to enter this community, and we hope our content will bring nothing but wellbeing towards you.


Make sure you follow for more awesome posts.

"It's not about money, it's about sending a message."
-The Joker

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