Introduce yourself : Themat-OOG

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Hello you wonderful Steemians,

To introduce myself, seems odd, in a good way. A few months late, but better late than never. I want to become a part of this wonderful community. To find my own tribe to share and look at each other's wonderful human creations. So here goes, I am going by the nickname Themat-OOG, and am born in the flat lands of the Netherlands, currently though living in Luxemburg, with her small hills.
This earth and her humans are rich with contrasts, illogicalities and many more things I as of late begin to notice. That is what I could consider as my main drive in creating art, possibly a book even. These things grow for me in beauty, the longer I witness it in me and everywhere around me. Something of a love affair one could say. It is what we all have in common, for me it's what really among many things gives that peculiar taste to life, the reasons to grow personally. They are a source for a lot of laughter, especially about myself. Those beautiful dumbfounding happenings that only happen whilst being alive.

Themat stands for the devil. The dark we all fear to face in ourselves, let alone make part of who we actually are.
OOG, is a dutch word for eye and stands for looking at that painful construct directly, unflinchingly and unblinkingly.

I have really been struck on one kind of teaching, that still influences me: Gurdjieff.
A man I can already say, that is beyond logic and so beautifully refreshing unique. After that came some more but none that really stuck with me to this day. This man alone is already a really hard nut to crack of what he tried to teach. Only in these last months have I begun letting him go again and slowly, very slowly finding what is my own. Still looking. Week by week I'll inch closer. Artwise, I have no big artists I follow, because they haven't been of my interest for very long. It's close to miraculous that I came back to art again. This also very slowly. The best things in life take their time to grow from small seed to whatever wants to emerge.

  • I love crows, bones and skulls, diverse music, nature and her many animals I have had the luck to meet in these few years of my life so far. I also love looking at people, observing and learning. I love being enigmatic, different from other people, and yet I'll try to find a way in which to live together.

  • I write as you possibly already may have seen, perused.
    I am already quite far into writing a book, but for now I'll put it on a slow burner, to gather further fuel for it later on. If I put out that, then it really must be unique and worth it for the reader too. So count some more years, so I can also grow personally and know better of what I write.

  • I enjoy having my own garden so you may also see posts of garden related subjects, brewing alcohols, making vinegars and other interesting stuff made by hand.

  • About my art I can't really say that much either because I am only one and a bit years in making art, so I really am still developing myself, but slowly I'll get better that much I can assure you, so feel free to join my on my journey.
    Sharing with me your joys, fears, tears and the peculiarities of life I so much enjoy.

I can't wait to meet YOU and get together with all you beautiful humans on here.

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