Hi there, fellow Steemiteers!

I'm UX / UI expert by trade and I'm also very interested in cryptocurrencies and blockchain based technologies. I came across Steemit because a friend recommended on Twitter to take a look at it. I got curious, so here I am. I want to try this out!

I like to examine new software products, become an early adopter and make something I call a user experience analysis. I like to take a non-biased look onto existing things and try to wrap my head around why interfaces and design are chosen in a certain way for a certain purpose.

So my plan here is to spend some time getting to know steemit a bit better and then start blogging about the things I really enjoy about steemit and also to give some advice and suggestion of how to make this an even better reading and/or writing experience. I hope the people behind the platform and us as writers and readers will appreciate it.

But hey, this shouldn't only be me telling you from my experiences - I actually hope to start a constructive discussion in regards to the look and feel of this platform with all of you! So you're more than invited to add / interrupt and assist with your 2cts on the topic.

Talk to, read, and see you soon!

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