Me, Myself & I

Once upon a time, there was a guy. His name was Saturno Mangieri. His first steps were made side by side to a skate board. Some days after, sadly he almost loose a tooth, but He didn't give up.

Some years after He learned how to ride a bike, without the extra side wheels. Some days later he was able to jump like a pro. Well, almost, to be fair.
Saturno decided to study architecture, and He did, but only for 2 years. Apparently the tasks were too many, and also the parties. So, the parties won this round.

Many years after He was "surfing" electronic devices and Engineer became a real choice and much more affordable. He became an Engineer. Mom, Dad, Nan and Grand Pa they were very proud.

Even He had a title already He wanted to know more, see more of this world. So he took his guitar and went away. The cold winter of Spain received him. The beautiful people and beaches of Morocco took him under his wing. He became a singer, not bad for a traveller.

Finally, He wanted to move again. Sometimes human desires can be very persistent. He was the exception, so, He became a Care giver. There he is. Working to help others help themselves.
This is Me. Part of my history. Part of who I am. Just a little part of this big universe!

Artistic Director: Sat
Casting: Sat
Executive producer: Sat

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