Hello, sorry if I'm "social media awkward"

Excuse me if I come across as social media awkward... 

You should know that I’ve stayed away from Facebook like the plague since it first began, and that I have one post on Instagram only because I thought it was an app to edit photos with. After that, I never used it again. And Snapchat? Errrr, Snap who?

Twitter’s alright, I still don’t have an account, but I like to grab cryptocurrency “news” there… I guess I should get an account soon because I think I’m actually following people manually (I’m googling people’s twitter handles. Also, is it weird that I have them memorized?)   

So anyways, it’s pretty ironic that I’m here on Steemit this early. I didn’t think I’ll be a somewhat early adopter of any new social media anything. I just never got into the whole online socializing thing. I had more than a decade to acquaint myself, but well, I thought it was going to be a fad. And I preferred my socializing offline. Call me old-fashioned (Still in my 20s by the way).    

So how am I even here?

As for how I came to be here, well, I started learning about cryptocurrencies not too long ago, and naturally stumbled upon Steemit through my research. Of course, what piqued my interest the most was the fact that people actually got paid to post stuff. So yes, I’m here because I am a greedy little bastard. But, I like to think a greedy little bastard with a heart.

Other random stuff...

Maybe you should also know that I’m sarcastic, passive-aggressive, and suffer from stress-induced anxiety from time to time. I’m also a huge bundle of fun. 

I guess at this point I should insert the obligatory photo.


This is the view from the peak of Mt. Ijen, in Java, Indonesia. It was taken after a 2 hour plus hike up the mountain and another 1 hour climb down into the crater and back up again. Adventurous huh? Well, don’t let the photo fool you. That was the last remotely adventurous thing I’ve done in the past 12 months. Hopefully, I get to do something like that again soon. In the meantime, I kinda like my couch.

You should also know that I never really liked taking pictures of myself, and that I’m pretty shit at taking pictures in general. This photo is courtesy of a friend.

And finally...what's next?

Well, I hope that in the time ahead I’ll have more interesting posts up, share ideas, dream up cool social experiments, and get to meet some people along the way from every crevice of this crazy-ass world. 

I believe Mark Zuckerberg’s vision for Facebook was to help people see a more complete picture of the world. However, a recent spate of mind-fucking world events has exposed the echo chamber effect that haunt spaces like Facebook.    

Perhaps, Steemit could be the platform to help us break free from our filter bubbles. Ultimately, I think it boils down to us, and our individual choices to see things for what it is before passing judgement, to broaden our fixed definitions, and to accept that our point of view can be narrow. So Steemit could be our chance at redemption, a platform for democratized information - a truly global community.   

Only time will tell. I’d like to stick around to find out.    

PS. Follow me if you want to, or don’t follow me and miss out on my pretty twisted sense of humour. Either ways, I think you’re kinda cool for giving this thing a shot. Thanks for reading this far! Appreciate it ;)  

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