Greetings, Earthlings!

Hi, everyone! I'm so glad that I finally posted my introduction. This post took me 6 months to write!

I'm a proud Filipina as you can see it literally "written" on my forehead. :D So please expect some post about some great travel destinations. wink wink

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But first, shout out to my great great great friend, @Dreamiely for introducing me to this and actually not giving up on me. Thanks, love!

Now, where do I start with the intro. Well I guess, my username summarizes my life for now. I’m currently juggling work while trying to be the best wife to my steeming husband @wristalkph and the greatest mom to this cutie little munchkin (who turned-off my laptop earlier just when my very first ICO is about to start – more about ICO later).


I’m pretty sure I’ll be posting a lot about our family activities, probably drop some reviews on good food, restaurants, destinations, etc., hopefully, not so much about work.

Maybe I’ll post some trivia, just nice-to-know kind of stuff. Did you know that Freon (that stuff that used to fill our refrigerators and air conditioners) is actually a brand? I'm not sure if this happens in the Philippines only, but most of us normally call all refrigerants as Freon. =D Just as we call all photocopy machines Xerox. Xerox is actually a verb for us. =P

Anyway, going back to my daughter turning off my laptop… just recently, I finally dived into the crypto space. So I’ll probably post a little about this as well. We first heard about Bitcoin way back in 2009 (if my poor memory serves me right). But we were too skeptic about it and did not bother to invest even just a dollar worth.

Gosh, if only we did (said probably by everyone). Anyway, I started researching about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency sometime last year but just managed to really invest only this year. I started by joining ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) since this is where @Dreamiely is currently into and I basically depend on her for now. XD Anyway, I was super excited in joining an ICO, I even prepared my laptop way ahead of time. I nursed Baby S to sleep so I can join the upcoming gas war. But lo and behold, Baby S decided she doesn't want to sleep and turned off my laptop instead! Maybe she thinks I need to research more about this.

If you wanna learn about crypto with me, you can start by checking Dreamiely's post here:

I think that’s it for now! The truth is that I am SOOOO SLEEP-DEPRIVED due to the crash crypto lessons I tried to absorb in the past days. But I just really wanted to post my introduction to mark that I am officially a Steemian. Yay!

Till next time!

P.S. Still have to learn how to make these photos smaller. :P

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