Back Where I Started At

Name: Terrance Jones

Age: 26

Hobbles: Video games, Reading, Music, Rinse, Repeat

Favorite Thing To Do: Daydream

Current Addiction: Final Fantasy XIV

Gamertag: Tankster

Other interesting Thoughts: Ask

Hello my name is Terrance Jones, and I have been an absent Steemit member for quite some time now. I have 4 dogs...well, 2 dogs and 2 pups. I currently live with my mom and one of my brothers. I’m currently an Amazon employee for one of their warehouses. Before I go any further I would like to tell why I have stopped posting on Steemit in the first place, what has brought me back to this website, and my future goals after the long wandering I have been doing.


First off, my laptop broke down. Looking at it black and white it’s simple, and there should have been no excuse as to why I had disappeared for nearly 3 years. However, my excuse isn’t as simple. 3 years ago I was starting to stream on Twitch, and I was extremely into Super Smash Bros Brawl although majority of the Smash community has moved on to Smash 4. I was still in my first months as an actual Amazon employee after being converted from a temporary employee. My brother was working part time in Amazon as well, and my mother was balancing 3 organizations she recently joined trying to get some Bitcoin back when it was worth a little under $2k. At that time she would be over 1 year unemployed thanks to migraines. It seemed as though everything was under control until we slowly started slowly started losing things that ended up taking away our own happiness.


The first thing to go was Twitch and my streaming. I was using someone else’s internet for a good while, and because it needed to be moved I’ve lost a lot of signal to the point where I can’t play online games without either lagging or getting kicked from the current game I was playing. It was a wake-up call for me to start grabbing my own things. However things kept coming up to where I’d have to start all over with saving my own money because of an emergency. Next came the laptop. It came to a point where the charging piece bent inside. I could not charge my laptop because of this, and I would end up having to spend the next 3 years trying to get it repaired on top of the changes that were going on. Then, my mother quit those 3 organizations. 2 of the organizations were shady. So she bounced before she got caught up in whatever drama they had within leaving her with the remaining organization. Because she could not leverage with just that one group she eventually had to leave. It sucks. She’s my inspiration for wanting to start a business, and I had to watch her struggle to start or join another despite many more ideas that was popping inside her head. After that, my brother got fired from Amazon leaving him to go to a temp agency that would give him many jobs that only lasted for an average of 2 weeks. Sometimes, he’ll have a month to work for one company. Other times, he’ll only have a day. Things were looking dark. With all of that going on I had to find new communities to be in since I couldn’t play the games I was playing back then due to internet issues. On top of that, with my mom and brother struggling I had to step up and start holding the house down. I was up into tournaments. I’ve attended Smash N Splash 2 in 2016 and Smash N Splash 4 in 2018. It was a fun experience, but I eventually had to turn my attention away from the tournaments until I could get myself and my household together. All in all, it’s been a huge struggle. At one point in time I was doing so much that I thought that we would all be living in the streets. Cars were breaking down. Everyone would be getting more tired because of everyday stress. My mom would be watching motivational videos and go to seminars to keep the hope alive, that the thought of being in a wealthy place enjoying ourselves with no worries.

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Fast forward to today, I'm slowly getting back what I had to work for. My laptop is finally fixed for one. So if I need to do anything involving Twitch or any of the social media I use I can use that instead of doing everything by mobile. Next, the small things that I would have to either pay each month or skip out on the daily benefits (Twitch Prime, Playstation Membership, etc.) I can now enjoy without having to worry about payment for a year. I’m nearly ready to stream now. I just need my own personal internet. That itself will take some time.

As for coming back here, let's just say that it was hard to move on from my previous success. I was looking for past information about the app Moba Duels. I was pretty upset that the company that owned the game shut the server down permanently. However, there were bots in the game. Also, the type of influence I had early on when the game was coming to light I did not have towards the end of its lifespan. Therefore, the people that was invested into the game ended up moving. Since paying was optional to players I think the company didn’t have enough money to continue running their app. I was looking for more comments or just basic info on the game itself. I do want to revive it one day. Going through Google I’ve found my previous Steemit post that, at one point in time, it was worth $100.

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I was new around that time. I was shocked that after 2 years of doing nothing my Steemit post is still a part of the first 10 searches that pops up looking for Moba Duels. Now I want that feeling of being able to have my post and other researches I end up doing noticeable on Google. My ambition and thoughts of having Steemit as one of the top social platforms has been relit. It’s time I see to it that it becomes a reality.

There are a few things that I do plan on doing in the near future besides streaming. I do plan on dabbing around in the music field. I’m going to learn how to play the piano and a few other instruments I want to try. I’m going to also focus on making remixes to certain songs that are out there since I have them constantly playing in my head. It’s mainly going to be music coming from video games.




There’s also traveling that I would like to do. Since I have no clue where I want to travel to I’ll try my luck in some of the gaming tournament that people are doing. I have done so in the past although it was extremely short lived. I’m going to make an attempt of taking over the leaderboards one game at a time. Hopefully, a day will come where I find an old school game that is worth playing in the E-Sports arena one day.

My main purpose is to convince Sega to hop back into the console business. I would like to do that by playing the Dreamcast and playing some of their new games that are made and are currently being made. I have grown up with Playstation all of my life, and even now I still hold all of the systems although the 2 older systems game up their lifespan. However, between bouncing between games Sega has caught my interest. It has continued to hold my interest with the curiosity of a new system coming out despite Sega announcing the end of competing in the console about 13 years back. Despite the apparent internal problems that the company has as a whole I truly believe that they can still go in and do well. Sure, it’s a different ball game. Better technology, better graphics, and being absent from making consoles in over a decade...I’m pretty sure that they have more ideas kept secret awaiting to be awakened.

Finally, there’s the idea of voice recording, being on the radio, commentating, anything in the field of using my voice. I’ve been told by many to stop working at Amazon and find a way to get to a radio station. At first, I’ve turned everyone down and refused, because it wasn’t my passion. I wasn’t interested. However, I’m having second thoughts. What if my voice was a personal talent? If people are telling me that I have a voice to do whatever it is that they say that I can do I don’t see a reason to let it go to waste. I’ll give it a try, starting with voice overs.

For now, most of my social media is empty, because either I don’t use them, or I just recently started an account or page. I’ll list them below if you want to give me a follow.

Speaking of following I’m ready to be in tears. Despite not being active for a few years my follower count has more than triple during that time frame. I’m speechless. I know within myself that I don’t deserve it. I wasn’t active. However, I’ll look at this as an opportunity. I’ll try my hardest not to disappear for a long period of time this time around. To those that has followed me during my absence, thank you. I am deeply grateful for what I’m seeing. The only way I can pay back is to help put this platform on top of the social media charts. I better get to work. My birthday just recently passed, and time is still flying by pretty quickly.

Social Media Websites (Expect the edits):



Discord: Will update if I must. I’m not sure as of yet.


Facebook: I’m going to try and stay away from Facebook for now. I really don’t see a value in having it at the current moment. I might change my mind and create a page if I’m convinced otherwise.


Skype: I’m thinking about sharing it if I remember my own account.

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