Anxiety and depression

No one really knows.....

A little about the inner workings of
Tennille's Mind

I will start by saying I have not been sentenced to bed in months and that is amazing.

I dont know about you but I always want to know more. I have started looking into what makes me me? I have never really fit in either box Intravert or extravert. I am both.
I may not approch you first but i will peek out of my shell if you speak. I am not antisocial (and its not resting bitch face) just shy: The observer in me does that to my face 😊 I can chat for days with you and enjoy it. Now that being said, thats as far as it will go at first. I study ppl awhile before I take the we are friends plung. After such a nice chat, being alone is what I need.

Being by myself recharges my soul. I require a lot of recharging. When I am in public i have overwhelming emotional feelings. When I see sad things it drains me. I am very intune with the universe around me. Too much, so retreating to my private spot allows me a reprive.

Sometimes my anxiety is instant. I can be fine feel fine and in an instant my body changes. It gets hot my hands get sweaty my heart races and my mind spirals. I have learned counting in odd numbers helps a lot. Sometimes I have to do this many times through the day but it always works for me.
I deal with this on a daily without western medication. Tried that made it worse. It is best for me to continue learning about natural methods. As I said before I have not been sentenced to bed in months.

As my journy continues I will share.

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