Hello, Earth to Steemit - my introduction

Hi I'm TeeRx

Hello Steemit, all the aliens, robots, humanoids, and other mentionable and unmentionables. I come in peace, a friendly TeeRx - but not shy of roaring!

I've been reading stuff coming from Steemit for a while now, especially interested in how this blockchain teck can be used to have real discussions and maybe learn from each other in a real way, maybe build something new out there on Earth. Facebook is really sick, dying, just can't handle the swarths of "fakenews", not letting us decide for ourselves, a nanny.
Reddit is better but troll central, I don't have time for that. Maybe it's different here? I'll see.

Finally decided to make an account and see what conversations I can have. The reward system is really interesting and might be a template for something else in the real. Who knows?

I believe in trying to restore some aspects of society we've lost, defend some we're loosing and implement some new innovations along the way. I might as well say I'm against so-called "liberals" in most things, but not as people. I'm against fascists too but not in bandying about the term. If you want to take away freedoms, let's talk buddy because you'd better have a good justification. But I realise that is not always clear cut, it's not mostly. I'm not a believer in common sense as a argument but I do believe in common sense in life. Logic, reason coupled with an appiciation for the limits of knowledge and the knowable, and a healthy skepticism, that's me.

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