#introduceyourself: Trevor from Japan

Hi Guys,

My name is Trevor. I was born in the United States to a British father and American mother. I’ve been living in rural Japan for the past 10 years. I run a small English school which you can visit here:


I'm also involved in various creative/business related adventures both on and offline. I consider myself, in no particular order: a family man, ex pat, entrepreneur, martial artist and general student of life.

My School in Japan:


My daughter and I at お花見 (O Hanami) the tradition of having a picnic, talking with friends and getting blind drunk under the cherry blossoms in early Spring. I wasn't blind drunk yet in this picture. Hadn't even opened the first beer. (NEVER drink the rice wine. It's too strong!):


Kickin' it old skool with my boys on a Sunday at work:

I have 3 children and a lovely Japanese wife whom I met back home during her time studying English abroad. My father moved from his home in the Uk to the US in his early 20’s. He thought going to Japan would be a good experience and so encouraged me to move over here with my then fiancée. So I did. And it would take several years before I would realize just what a crazy thing that was to do. Ah, youth.

A fellow "Merican" and I taking a break by a waterfall about 15 miles outside of town during a ride:


That time I said yes to appearing on a local TV show as "the foreigner". All in good fun. All in good fun:


It’s been quite an adventure and one not without its regrets and challenges; although there have been rewards and realizations as well. Life can truly be a tricky SOB at times, no? But, I’m slowly realizing that the struggle, the grind, the challenge or whatever you may choose to call it is something from which no one is spared.  From richest to poorest, we all have our boat to row regardless of our social-economic-geographic situation. But it seems to me the one deciding factor aside from pure effort and tenacity is gratitude. The more gratitude the better is what I say. But of course I’m no master. Just a guy lucky enough to have had a glimpse or two.

The fam and I afterShinto ceremony to bless my daughter's life:
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My oldest son, my friend Kensaku and myself in a gigantic tree at a local shrine. The shrine is devoted to a local rain god in a valley famous for its oranges.


Life abroad has taught me a tremendous amount about myself and the world in general; to say nothing of the people living in it. Language, culture and perception are truly powerful forces and it sometimes takes getting well out of your own comfort zone before these things can be understood. When I came to Japan, I essentially had to start over again. In the 10+ years I’ve been here I’ve learned a second language, started a family and started a now successful business. But I still feel like I’m at the very beginning of things. There’s so much I want to learn, and try, and do and figure out.

Aside from writing, cryptocurrencies and exploring entrepreneurial opportunities, my interests include martial arts, meditation, study of the world, creating and, of course, spending time with my children.
Strange as it may sound, I feel lucky to be a human and to be living in this age.

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