Hello My New steemit friends , Very much excited to join a new community

Hello Steemit ,
My name is Falguni Paul I'm a MBA Student and a cryptocurrency Trader from India . Initially I was reluctant to Join a new community.
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Trading is my passion from the early years of my life . I am very much excited to join this new community . Hopefully You all give me a warm welcome in this community.

My favorite topics to blog about are Bitcoin , Steemit and other Altcoin , etc., I am also interested in blogging about the latest technology.

I am new to steemit and looking forward to your support. Lets See where the roads will lead us.

And As You might have guessed, I have interests in many fields. I will try to blog here with my favorite and trendy topics whenever possible. I hope my tutorials , blog posts and other stuff will be helpful and interesting for you . Do Support Guys . Fellow steemers ,Thank you!!!

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