A Little Bit About Me ...


Hello and thanks for taking a few minutes to let me introduce myself and tell you a little about me. I’m Tanya, a full-time work at home mom, entrepreneur, cryptocurrency enthusiast that’s here to show you how to make money online and achieve success.

I wish I had some great story to tell you about how I went from poor white trash to millionaire in a short period of time, but I don’t! However, I can tell you that I am living a life that I truly love and that you can do the same if it’s what you want to do. Whether you believe it or not – It is possible!

I am no better or different then you – just an ordinary average mom (like some of you) who wanted more than anything to be able to stay at home with my infant son and make money online. Unfortunately, I had no idea how I would be able to quit my job because we were a 2 income family.

Nor, did I have any idea how I’d make money online. I only knew that it was what I wanted to do. I hated spending a fortune on daycare and paying someone else to raise my son. I hated seeing the tears stream down his face as I would turn to leave. Not to mention, the fact that he was experiencing new things for the first time, learning so much and I was missing out on it all.

And it was breaking my heart and I couldn’t stand it. I struggled for days and months trying to convince myself that it was alright and that it was going to be okay, but deep down I wasn’t okay with it. I mean seriously, how could I be, knowing people could and were actually making money online.

I just didn’t know exactly what they were doing or how they were doing it, but I was bound and determined to find out and do it too. I began looking online, learning and researching all the different ways people were making money online and thought wow, it’s easy enough. So in May of 2016, I quit my job to become a work at home mom.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have any particular plan on how I was going to make any money online. There were so many different opportunities and things available to choose from and so many advertisements showing tons of money people claimed to be making.

People saying they’d give me this and that for free if I joined or signed up and that they’d show me how to make money online, etc… Well, I did just that, I signed up for a business opportunity thinking it’d be easy peasey. All I had to do was sell a one of a kind product and get people to sign up underneath me, build a down-line and I’d be making some money.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t as easy or as simple as I was lead to believe. After spending, I don’t even know how many hours advertising the business opportunity and product, trying to get people who did sign up underneath me to pay their monthly activation fee, copy what I was doing and a couple hundred dollars later… I realized, I was spending more money than I was making.

To be completely honest with you, after working my ass off for months… I didn’t make a dime and decided to throw in the towel and try my luck at something else. That’s when I decided to do online surveys. I knew that I wouldn’t have to spend any money and they were easy enough to do.

Besides, I was home all day with my son anyway and already use to not making any money online. And figured doing something was better than nothing and making a little bit of money would better than making no money. Now, even though I love taking online surveys and I do get paid for taking them – I have to advise you not to quit your job to do them in hopes of making a living or getting rich.

Because you’ll never make a lot of money and you’ll NEVER get rich doing surveys online. However, you can earn a little bit of money to help you buy some diapers, food and gas. For this reason, I decided to try my luck elsewhere. So, I started researching internet marketing and found it to be extremely interesting and decided to give it a go.

And since, I love to help people… I decided to start The Elite Money Makers Club and make it a friendly and helpful place where people from all over the world can come for honest work at home advice, home business opportunities, life hacks, resources, tips and more that will help them earn money online in the form of cash or other cryptocurrencies.

Now that I told you a little bit about me, I want you to know that I am here to help you with your work at home goals. However, I am not going to lie and pretend to have all the answers because I learn something new everyday. Nor, am I going to pretend to be a top internet marketer or a six figure earner like some will do because I am not either one (YET)!

I am just me, a dedicated and devoted work at home mom who’s passionate about helping you make money online and achieve success. Other than that there really isn’t anything else that I can tell you about me that I haven’t already said, besides the fact… that I’m addicted to coffee, my family means the world to me and I enjoy stepping outside of my work at home life to spend quality family time with them.

Finally, I want to say thank you for taking the time to let me tell you a little bit about me and I am looking forward to connecting with you and seeing you around!

To Your Success, Tanya ~
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