It's all about me! Except for the first bit... but then it really is!

Before I start... I want to say hello to @Cybernaut who essentially posted a similar piece as my first one except he was 14 minutes ahead of me... we shall be great friends... or mortal enemies... time will tell...

Anyway... me!

I am Tansley, a 35 year old Canadian father of two, both girls, one autistic, one precocious, both adorable and I love them the most. They are the light when I wake up and they are the sudden jarring pain in my groin when they jump on me a moment before I'm actually awake from my nap on the couch... dads out there know what I mean... nap on a couch in front of your kids and they all turn into high flying wrestlers.

I am married to MrsTansley, a heck of a lady who thinks I'm pretty awesome, though I'm not entirely sure why, likely she has some nefarious plan to which I am not privy... maybe she puts the kids on the arm of the couch... hmmm.

We live with a bunch of familial characters, two nieces (soon a nephew too) an ex-sister-in-law who will always just be an Auntie Lea no matter what genealogy says, and a not related Auntie Kay who is as much a part of our family as anyone else.

So picture with me now, a three-bedroom townhouse with a total of eight (soon to be nine) people living in it. Now zoom out to the peaceful town and the no less than three schools that border our row of houses' land. We live near the grocery store and the doctor's office and my bank is just there and over there is the eye doctor. So pretty much walking distance to everything we need and still maintaining the small town feel.

It's actually quite nice. If you ignore the whole sardines feeling...

I went to school to be a Personal Support Worker (or a Nurse's Aide essentially) and I have worked as one for the last five years. Before that I was a short order cook and a chef at a hundred restaurants up until the day my first kid was born... at which point MrsTansley got sick, I went on Paternity leave and through the magic of government grants, went back to school to be a more productive member of society.

Up until about December last year when i had intense mood changes and exhaustion and a general breakdown due to stress. Currently I am mostly bed-ridden dealing with newly diagnosed diabetes and a heart condition. But as the meds start to work, I am getting up and moving around and am gearing up to get back to work.

While I was sick I found crypto-currencies and was fascinated by the reality of them. I had heard of Bitcoin years ago and had wanted to try mining it (insert head bashing noises here because I never did) but dismissed it as a fantasy of the working poor. I worked, college educated and a supervisor at my job, for damn near 300$ every two weeks before I had my breakdown. I get paid hourly but they didn't have enough hours to go around and because I am the young man in a group of older women, I guess its less important to give me the hours. Even if I was promoted. And still received less hours than my team... Yes I am bitter, who's asking!

Anyway, with rates of pay that low to return to (fingers crossed it will get better) money became an interesting thought experiment for a convalescent human with time on their hands. More specifically how can I wring bread and milk and rent out of the internet... in my spare time... in large enough quantities to be useful...

Well I found a few ways, I chattered on to my family about what I was learning, they begrudgingly accepted my hobby and were generally supportive so long as I stopped talking ad nausuem about how in the hell did Dogecoin become so successful!?

Those ways I found will be subjects in future articles and in more than a couple rants. I also plan on doing a few reviews of various currencies and their differences and benefits. But I am digressing...

I have been more or less on my own since 17 years old... long stories here that frankly, don't concern any of you readers out there. Suffice it to say I have dragged myself from homeless and shivering under a pile of all my clothes to where I am now and I'm hoping that alone will add a little street cred to my survival skills.

And please note as this is a "financial blog" remember some things:

  1. I have no real knowledge beyond experience and anything publicly readable upon this here internet.
  2. I do have opinions. I have them in abundance. This will become clear.
  3. If you act on anything I say and lose a shit ton of money... don't come crying to me... because likely I lost a shit ton too... also I clearly said I have no real knowledge! What were you thinking!!

There's probably more to say about myself... but I don't want to... goodnight everyone!


PS I'm also a fan of cookies... as are both my daughters... I may see fit to post some cookie party pictures in the future...

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