Dream it…Steem it….Find yourself a niche and Stream it!

My C.V is perhaps best suited for the Wizard of Oz…my main mode of transport..motorbikes.

Mine has 87,000K on it

Perpetually seeking…….. roads less traveled…….Leaping out into the abyss, existence always intervening..... mouse bouncing.gif to cushion my ass.........
A word which has become renowned, even to those who speak no English….

An international phenomenon………..” S...T..R..E.S S “
An entire planet……bubbling, percolating…….beneath a veneer of happiness…“STRESS"...is everywhere.
Where IS that proverbial “DULL moment"? Does it even exist? Did it ever... exist?
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Is Stress part and parcel of our Human Condition? Or......Have we merely collectively wound our knickers in a twist?..........
Lost the ability to see the lighter side of things, the larger perspective?............Without the art of co-creating thru soul clusters of like minded cells.....we're asleep.…......Flickering between fleeting interludes of our highest intentions thru vast ages of darkness, where we mindlessly......skip down paths of self destruction.......
What gives me joy?.....Laughter...... Often whilst in the most dire of situations…...irony is giggling in the face of our projections and expectations.........
Lotuses, grow in the mud…….flower-blooming.gif
Longtime inspiration since childhood....is....Groucho Marx…The sheer irreverence of his remarks….. leaving no one safe.
A fantasy of living….surrounded by waving fields of green….. while watching Groucho Marx movies…..long fullfilled…but my love and respect for Groucho.......is eternal.
Now, we have fiber optics and live streaming……. after years of only caroseen lamps for lights and cooking…….My primative bamboo palace, next to a small brook...was formerly the village's gambling hut....until it was offered to me......at...... 420 US$ per year.....My first home in Asia......a fantasy........still in progress.......
The first electricity arrived from a single slender cable spanning fields and stream from another village. It ran a simple pump.... replacing meters of rubber cord used to raise buckets of water. That same cable, at night was used to operate a 4 track recording unit….and 2 Peavey amps. It was so quiet back then, one could hear music drifting up all the way to the main road nearly a kilometer away. Mornings, locals would show their approval, grinning with thumbs up. Brilliant musicians came thru our tiny bamboo hut, from all over the world….At times, I suspected we were mentioned in one of the guide books. .SamUbud80's.jpg
side track: A creative thief once stole the rubber cord from the well…. They pulled a “Tarzan”. Using the cord to climb into a neighbouring losman.......they lowered themselves down thru an open triangle of bamboo near the pinacle of the roof……Removing tourist valuables from several rooms…….quite athletic.....
With all the adventures……. from the sublime…….. to the darkest….. Laughter is as essential to my well being...……. as much as food or water…… cat chesire.gif
Friendships are short lived with those who can not at least giggle at their fears and phobias, lack of funds…. or poor choices…Mine are a constant source of amusement…….. One evening long, ago….. flat broke…… went to a restaurant near the beach which showed videos for free…….. Exciting, no one had TV’s or video’s yet…...A novelty……
i rocked up…. saw a girlfriend sitting there…..We're the only two there…we quickly discover we both shared the same inspiration….. Neither one of us were flush but had enough for a juice…..and we could watch the film…….We pooled our few bits together…... bought one large juice…... and shared it…….. We still laugh about it today….…..…….

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The point is….. we laughed about it then…… full well knowing...life…. is constant change…..regardless the scenerio….. it WILL change….... I can safely say…….. I could never have survived.....and thrived…. without my friends….. and......a wicked….sense of humour…….
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So........Steem it, Grill it, Poach it, or Fry it…...
Cargo ships to modeling trips....techkie things...and Faery wings..........
Curiosities…..which made me pause or laugh........... My own peculiar twist on 101,000 tales from...Asian Nights. Sprinkled with a few of my artware pieces.... created with brilliant craftsmen.........

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light and LAUGHTER, Syberella...........
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special Thx to @samstonehill, @jockey, @chron and @copa-communion for their encouragement and tech advice........

Cheers to the budding group of Bali Steemians......

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