An intro to me...

An intro to me...

(I'm new here so trying not to break any etiquette rules, but not making any promises)
Just like the rest of the hope-filled masses in search of the perfect online lottery payout, here I am. My name? They call me Swansed (cue rattlesnake sound effect, gunshot) and I have plans to homestead here.
Me? I grew up amid the media fields of the soft and fertile East Coast mountains in the fine state of Journalism, and decided to go west, blogging my way to my fortune. I spent some time in the great YouTube River basin, traversed the vast Drop Shipping Flatlands in the heartland as the great internet territories opened up, and climbed the sometimes brutal and wildly raw western mountain passes of Affiliate Marketing. There were dozens of get rich quick adventures along the Social Media Trail about searching for 'likes' and 'subs' and 'followers'. A perilous journey which unfortunately not all of my travelling companions survived.
BUT Great News! Here I am, pan in hand, sleeves rolled up and ready to get my trousers muddy for the next big gold rush. Manifest destiny and all that... There's cryptocurrency in them thar Steemit hills. (cue mad laughter)

Okay. May sound like I'm poking fun, but I'm actually not. I do not truly believe I am going to strike it rich on Steemit, but I do enjoy dreaming about it and I am pretty sure the majority of content creators signing up now feel somewhat the same way. Could happen. Get paid for your content. Just strike a chord with a crowd and begin movement.
In all honesty I am simply a middle-aged guy with a daughter out of school trying to find herself and a son readying himself for the university world. I like new music, am not to old for sex, have thoughts in my head which I hope are interesting, wish I drove a nicer car, and would give the world to be 20 years younger (hair on top of my head? OH YEAH!?!?). Oh, and at times my voice is a little to 'flowery' and I frequently go WAY off topic so please allow me to apologize upfront about these things. Now, where was I?
Oh yes, interests and topics I enjoy putting more time and thought into than I probably should? Well, one of the subjects I'm going to take a crack at is Adult Social Sports Leagues(A.S.S.L. for short, and yes, pun intended). This is an ongoing fascination-passion-obsession-fixation and pure mania which I've contracted over the years. The crack of of pool ball, thump of a dart, kiss of bocce ball on palino, sharp intake of breath from my teammates and groans of the visiting team, oh and beer, lots and lots of good beer---I dig it!...Millions compete in these sports in America every week and they are without a uniting voice. I love everything about them and have a dream of airing a show on Steemit that gives them that voice. Sidenote- that statement ties into pretty much who I am--a dreamer. Took a large chunk of my life to admit it and be proud of that fact. An entire life of of people being drawn to the dreamer in me, and yet it seems to be the first thing they want to change about me as they grow closer--from parents to girlfriends to co-hosts... whoops, there we go off topic again- Anyways, going to take a shot at blogging/vlogging about this community if anybody is interested.
Another path I'll probably explore will be practicing life. More of a sojourner's view of the soul; how we practice our personal religious beliefs in everyday acts. I'm certain to ramble on in an unstructured fashion about whatever is on my mind...hey, wait a minute, kind of like this! I think I'll call it -"Letters to Nancy"-, just because a long time ago, as a corporate sales rep for a logistics company, we had to send in 'reportables' every Friday morning. A quick recap of our conquests out among the peasants, "Here's my slain dragons and holy crusades, my Liege!" Anyway, these emails were sent to District Sales Manager's secretary and her name was Matilda. Just kidding, you guessed it, Nancy was the lucky recipient of this role call of the dead, dying and slain lying in the street. Well, the format tended to be extremely dry...

  1. Major Gains/Losses
  2. Competitive Intelligence
  3. Blah-blah-blah
    So, I decided to spice it up a little at the beginning, the prelude... I began writing the opening paragraph directly to Nancy. Before you get any silly ideas about this turning into Harlequin romance novel about a sales rep and the district secretary, this was written more as light banter you would have on the phone, personalized. We never even met in person until her retirement party. Anyway, this opening paragraph served a couple of purposes. It lightened the mood of the emails, and Nancy looked forward to my weekly adventures (sometimes I told a short story, sometimes a joke) and in turn she mentioned my name to our esteemed leader a little more often than the other 40+ reps in the district. It also put some lipstick on my lack of accomplishments which happened some weeks. This opening 'conversation' sometimes kept me off the bad list of orphan reps who didn't turn in their fair share to Fagin... Okay, way off topic, dammit! So Letters to Nancy sounds better than Friday Reportables so I'll go with that...
    Other subjects may include but are not limited to...short stories, partially finished screenplays and scraps of toast, poetry (groan), puppets at music festivals, surfing, sales, radio and tv, and bigfoot (I love that guy).

Here's to hoping this is a feel for who and what I am, and how little I'll actually accomplish. Now I'm going to hit the post button and be judged. Fingers crossed...

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