What If I'm Boring? You Decide...

I'm not sure how but I came across this site last week and signed up straight away without much reading into what it actually is.

My wife @brookethechicken, who as we actually found out in her intro is not an actual chicken, is something of a "do-a-bit-of-everything-but-not-a-lot-of-anything" type of gal and I passed it onto her.

I have to be honest and tell you I didnt spend much time looking further into what Steemit actually is, or is all about. But Brooke did and while I was happy to sit and just pop in every now and again, she told me that this isnt really how Steemit works and if I'm not going to participate I should just unregister myself.

So I thought I'd better do the thing that she told me is my introduceyourself post. I was coached a little. Put pictures; be honest; don't be boring!

So now my problem is that I'm not a great writer, as patience isn't my favorite thing, as it requires you to be all descriptionary to make it interesting - but I do make up words a lot such as the aforementioned descriptionary - and, you know, i'm not suppose to be boring.

So I figured I would just tell you some things about me:

What I Do

  • Run our personal training business in Melbourne. So I'm the owner and sole operator with about 30 weekly clients for about an average of 175 sessions per month...that really means nothing to be honest but hey it;s information right? Even Google is boring sometimes.

  • I'm 38

  • I'm a father of an almost 6 year old boy who looks just like me. I read one time that kids look like their father's so back in Neanderthal days the father's knew who their kids were or something...maybe it was before talking was invented and grunts just didn't cut it for child names.

  • I'm also the 'carer for my wife @brookethechicken but not in an official kind of way. As she said there are times we she is in bed for days on end, only getting up to get Archie ready for school and/or get him dinner. As Archie would say "I'm tiwered."

  • I nap. Pretty much everyday. I never used to but I'm up early and I get to bed late-ish (compared to when I get up). I napped today for about an hour in fact. On the couch. Often with a dog or 2 on me but they stayed off me today but to be fair I've been out of deodorant and it was sweltering today so good choice probably.

  • I train. Hard.

  • I don't lose a dress up

-Love, Love, Love Karaoke

What I Like:

  • 1986 to 1996

  • Aussie Rules Football which a lot of you might not have come across depending where you're from but it's the greatest sport in the world. I had a fantastical idea of combining 2 of my great loves - "Footy' as we call it and training - and have run a blog on training for footy for 6 - 7 years now. I still play footy which is pretty good effort at 38 as it's fast, it's enduring and it's full contact from 360 degrees with "no pads!" (insert exasperated American accent from some guys my mates and I came across while at the Sydney Olympics who we were demonstrating our great game for.)

  • NBA Basketball. I'm still dirty that the Seattle Supersonics aren't still going and also that Shawn Kemp got fat that year when the lockout was on. It's not really team friendly now anyway with all the player movement but I still love watching and follow it pretty closely through fantasy type stuff.

  • Playing guitar and singing. I taught myself how to play which but it also means I have a lot of "gaps" in playing ability but oh well, I've never heard a word Bob Dylan can actually say that's audible so I'm still a chance to hit the big time. Pearl Jam and the Boss are my fav's but as I alluded to above, anything from 86 - 96 music wise is all around my radar.

  • Friends. The show. I still watch it daily and I don't care. And you know what? The Joey spin off was pretty good actually as I just finished watching it the other week. Not Friends good, but still pretty funny. Las Vegas is also a big favorite and I'm also a little shirty that got pulled during the actors strike without an actual ending. Did Danny and Delinda have the baby? How did Cooper survive?? How's a man meant to live with unanswered questions such as these, really? And you know, the Simpsons.

What I Want to Do:

  • At this point I pretty much would do anything for a trip to the US. New York, LA, Vegas and a little trip over the border to Banff National Park would really make me content regardless of anything else that happens. To be honest I don't even really want to go anywhere else and I'd be happily bored for the rest of my life it this was to happen.. That's It...except about $10K.

-I'd really like more sleep.

What I'm Doing at the Moment

  • I'm putting together an actual website to sell manuals from for my footy training stuff which is taking literally forever but I feel I might give it a huge shake tomorrow and make some inroads in this department. But then I may not.

  • As part of my keeping up to date with all things training which is a full time job in itself I have about 300 pages of training info I've cut and pasted from various sources to read and summarize as I do. It sounds boring but I quite enjoy doing this bit but you need to be in the head space to do it as it's a lot of reading then pretty much re-writing it out again in "my terms."

  • I need to do the vacuuming and the car could do with a clean.

Anything else you should know?

  • I'm a darn good personal trainer-strength and conditioning dude so if there's something you want/need to know about then holla and I'll do my best to answer.

  • I'm a gun on pop music circa 86 - 96 with my peak years being probably 87 - 93. I love providing trivia in the studio with clients (What movie was this song in? Who wrote this? What was the follow up song to this? Test me, I'm not bad.

  • I'm thinking of making a bunch of top 10 lists and getting y'all to list yours too?

  • I've always had the thought of writing about songs and what they make me think about when I hear them. I have songs specific to certain events, significant and insignificant but that may requires some writer abilityness that I described above to really make it work but who knows...you gotta try I guess.

  • Friends/Simpsons quotes.

So now you know a bit about me. Am I boring or what?

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