Hello everyone! My name is Suzana but you can call me whatever you want because I'm not a name

I want to share with you two of my greatest passion here on Steemit, one is painting and another one is LOVE!


About the painting, I have a classical story: since I was a child .. blah blah... I knew that I'm going to be a painter, hahaha and that is true! I focused all my energy in becoming a painter, and even when 90% of people from my surroundings was telling me that there is no prosperity from art, I just knew that my destiny is to become a painter. So now, with my 28 years, I'm still far away from my goal, but close enough to enjoy in my life as a freelance painter. I feel the enormous amount of joy and love while I'm doing my job, so I cannot call it a job at all! Again a classical motivational sentence: Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. And I truly believe in all old phrases, because they aren't old and well know to everybody without reason.


I've always been painting motives from my life, trying to transmit on canvas my feelings and personal experiences from life. Because for me, painting is good when you can feel it. These paintings whose you can see in my introducing post I made in the last couple of month. And I try, in some way, to illustrate my inner condition. Some of these images come to me as visions in meditative states of mind, while some of these motives I just allow happening spontaneously when I sit in front the white canvas.


I don't want to be long in this introducing post because I hope that we will hang on often in the future and that you will be interested in mine stories as I'm in yours. We all have valuable things to share. In my posts is going to be about the process of painting, about motives and subjects, about materials and in shortening note: everything about painting! But also, as painting is creative process tightly connected with the state of mind, I will also write about my inner struggles and blockades I needed to defeat until now, and of course, about many of them whose is still on my way!


In the end, I just want to say that I'm glad for being part of this optimistic community and that I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!


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