Hello there talented people, I am Susan, new to steemit community

Hello guys. I am Susan and I am from Brazil. So in my first post,let's get introduced. We are supposed to, right? :)
Well, to be honest, I am both excited and nervous to be a part of this community. I tried to explore the family before writing this post,and let me be completely honest, you are awesome. Everyone is helpful towards others and especially to the newbies. People are doing great jobs in their respective fields and interests.


I will try to create content, which can be loved by you guys. I want to have a community where everyone discusses their interests freely. Currently, I am trying to get a grip on the cryptocurrency and related things. I have googled it and found some articles. I will try my best to get familiar with it. :)

I have survived 25 winters and currently pursuing my economics degree. I write stories and poems. I am on my way to publish my first fiction novel. It's narrated in my native language but still,it's a step towards my goal :) Apart from that I draw portraits too.


We all need some refreshment. Don't we ? :)




What's life without some fun? :)


yayy ! :-p


Yes, I can play little bit :)


I love to explore places. Makes me refreshed.

I am interested in YouTube very much. As I write stories and poems and draw too, I will be able to produce some quality content (well at least I can try to). I will need some help from you guys,as I don't know much about it. I will do my research and try to gain as much knowledge as I can. I will create my channel today itself . Well one step at a time :) Maybe I will be able to link my YouTube channel with steemit too right? :)


I am looking forward to get introduced to everyone and become familiar with you guys as time passes by. I seek your support people. I will be needing advices from you at each step :)
As I am preparing my book now and will be preparing for my second post, I can really use some advices right now. Kindly let me know in the comment section :)

Thank you

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