My steemit Journey : Introduce Yourself

Hi steemians! I would like to introduce my self again!


I had been with steemit for a month now. But unluckily life had been so busy and work is very streessful that I hadn't able to post anything for the longest time. So I decided, since I am now a bit loose with my schedule and life is bit more relax I can get back to posting again and share with you my life! Thus, reintroducing myself would be the best post to start my steemit journey again!

Once again, this is Godfrey Camayra Jr., a Filipino guy who comes from the Queen City of the South, CEBU! But originally I am from Iloilo City still in the Visayas region of the Phillipines.

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Cebu is known for its beaches and mountains surrounding the entire Cebu island so it would be very normal for you to expect my upcoming post on my travels all over the Province of Cebu. I can't contain my excitement on sharing to guys my adventures from the beautiful beaches up to the stunning mountains.

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Cebu is not just about beaches and mountains, it's night life is as well very alive for those that love bar hopping and get intoxicated during their weekends. Yeah! You are right I am going to share with as well my night life and the bars I had visited so far. Getting excited yet? Don't worry guys I got your back on those things!

Oh! and before I forget I am as well going to share with all of you the stories behind my tattoes all over my body. So watch out for that!

Again this is Godfrey and you can use my @supremomayor tag.

Happy steeming to all of us!

Ruling my life,

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