My Tarot Today: Learn Tarot

I don’t always read tarot. IMHO, too much tarot is not a good thing. You see people try to substitute tarot in place of prayer or good, old-fashioned decision making.

Maybe that’s why when I do read my tarot, it’s profound. In my experience, tarot cards are never, ever wrong. This was another reading, totally on-point, which made me very happy. It told me that a problem with a loved one will be resolved. It made me aware that the problem was mostly my fault because I had been overbearing and non-sympathetic to the feelings of my loved one.

The reading also affirmed a surge of positive energy and motivation which I have felt. I used the traditional Celtic cross tarot spread. Later, I took photos of the cards individually and left them in the order of the readings. So, I have arranged the cards #1-10. (There are ten total cards in the Celtic cross spread.)

Please let me know if you have an interest in more tarot readings. If you have an interest in tarot, this is a fun, easy way in which you can learn.

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The card that struck home this time was The Star. Included in the explanation of this card are the words “The Star is the opposite of the Devil who strips us of our faith in the future.”

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Card #1 - Nine of Pentacles
This card represents how I am feeling in my life at home.


Card #2 - Seven of Swords
This card represents me as a "lone wolf" Lately, I have been very happy relying solely on my own resources.


Card #3 - The Tower
This card represents a huge change in one of my most important relationships. Over the past few weeks, it made me very sad. The good news is that this card has just showed up to indicate what the subsequent cards will address. The card is saying "Yes, we are talking about your falling out with _____."


Card #4 - Nine of Swords
This card represents my feelings toward the falling out.


Card #5 - Queen of Pentacles
This card represents the normal nature of my relationship with ______. It is reminding me of warm, family moments. It is encouraging me to restore the relationship and get back to a warm and loving place.


Card #6 - The Star
This card represents a reversal of the dark, negative energy which has infected the relationship. This card brings hope for the future. This card provides reassurance that good energy and good fortune have been restored. The footwork, of course, is all up to me!


Card #7 - Strength
This card encourages me to use gentle strength and kindness when trying to influence change. In my argument, I behaved in a bullish way and had little patience for the other person's views. This card is reminding me to be more kind and to mind my manners.


Card #8 - Knight of Swords
This card further reinforces my bad behavior in the fight. Embarassingly, I behaved like an out-of-control Knight of Swords.


Card #9 - The Magician
This card is a quick tip-of-the-hat toward career matters, which have been a major focus in the new year. This card tells me that I am doing a good job bringing my sales strategy down to earth and seeing results. Things which I have only imagined are starting to become more concrete.


Card #10 - Page of Pentacles
This card reinforces The Magician and encourages practical execution of plans which were formerly just creative business visions in my head.

It is important to note that the position of the cards within the spread has significant meaning and, in my experience, carries a lot of weight. In fact, it carries as much weight as the meaning of the individual cards themselves.

Please let me know if you have an interest in this topic. There are many lessons we can cover.

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