Stranger in a Steem World: Introducing @sunny-d-light


Hello Steemit

Why are penguins socially awkward? They find it difficult to break the ice.

And like a socially awkward penguin, this is my attempt to break the ice.

My name is Sunny, and I'm a software developer in San Diego, CA. I love working with technology and teaching others as I advance my craft. In my spare time, I teach introductory classes in html/css/javascript and help organize local meetup events.

I sustained an injury in my neck 2 years ago, and since then I've experienced nearly constant migraines due to a bulged disc. It makes it difficult to go out and have fun in a traditional sense, as I'm sensitive to loud noises and bright lights. I can't stand or sit in a chair without neck support for extended periods of time. Sometimes even making simple conversation is a struggle.

I'm joining the Steemit community in the hopes that it will help create a new focus in my life. Chronic pain can be incredibly isolating and I've lost touch with many friends because I can't do "normal activities". But in this process I'm discovering new things that I love: gentle yoga, working in the garden, playing with our cat. It's forcing me to slow down and find a new outlook. I'm hoping to share my experiences during this process and perhaps find a few others going through similar circumstances.

I'm engaged to @ryanarcher and together we have recently dived into the cryptocurrency realm, which occupies most of our time. We hope that once my neck gets better we can travel the world together. He's an incredibly supportive lover and best friend. I'm very lucky to share my life with him.

Here are some other things about me (in no particular order):

  • I love cheesy puns - the cheesier the better
  • I'm an avid fan of video games, sci-fi and anime
  • I've been told that I make intense eye contact

I'm fairly active online, so you're welcome to find me on Facebook or Twitter.


Here is a picture of me and my fiance @ryanarcher

Spinning fire at Burning Man (2012)

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