a newbie steeming in.......

Back in 1992 when I was born,there was no internet access available to everyone this easily.No mobile phones, no 2,3,4 and 5G's...no apple's, galaxies and note's...(phones of course).No Downloads in GB's.....infact audio was recorded on casettes which have become extinct now a days...So it is quite realistic to say that I was born before the technological boom of all this wireless , Wifi world...and smart screens....

I had my early education from Saint maries (though when i got admission in Prep, my class teacher asked my parents to take me home ,,,and bring me back (when my handwriting becomes understtandabale, which till date is not understandable to be honest ;) )......Then I did my High school from a well reputed school and passed through all the competition to get admission in the engineering school....(36000 thousand candidates , isn't it too much for a competition)....Got admission in electrical engineering ...(the worst period to be honest) and than the frustating four years......finally graduated as an electrical engineer with specialization in electronics.......took admission in Master in Wireless communication's and currently enrolled in my Thesis....

It was in My MS that i first learned about crypto currencies.....we had a couple of courses related to cryptography and cyber security and had presentations on bitcoin...(watch silkroad during the course, so the first impression of digital currency was not that good... ) , but what i learned from the course was , the future belonged to crypto's geeks...

so here I am, an electrical engineer, with an interest in literature and ping pong......ready to have some fun earning and blogging on steemit...hope it turns out to be a good blooming journey......

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