I. Me. Mine - My introduceyourself post

Registered almost 3 weeks ago, approved 8 days ago and now finally, my first post :D 

Good day Steemians!   

Hi, I’m Visnu (pronounced Vish-nu) and this is my #introduceyourself post :).   I heard about Steemit some years ago (if I’m not mistaken) but didn’t join in. Why? Because I thought it was just a bluff; a ponzi scheme at best! Like who would give money to you when you post? Like..

But heck, here I am. After doing the DYOR or better known as Do Your Own Research, I found that Steemit is living up to the hype – post, comment, upvote and earn.   And for some, earning means pretty much getting more than what you can get on a day of your regular job.   Thus here I am, trying my luck! (pun intended) 

So who am I? 

            V - Vocal - I'm quite vocal about my beliefs and principles in life

            I - Inclined on being a better person than yesterday

            S - Savy, tech savy that is :)

            N - Nutrition nerd - I try to make it a point that what I put in my body (food) is something of nutrional value

            U - Understanding - I don't get into heated argument that easy especially while on the road :)

But what do I do generally speaking? 


I’m a developer by profession. But designer and aspiring writer by heart <3   I have years of experience as a web developer specializing in open source technologies like PHP. Right now, however, I’m transitioning into mobile app development namely Android and iOS - cause why not? :) 

I also join meetups and workshops with regards to technologies in programming and web development 



I’m also gradually moving into Mobile UI / UX designs.   If you’re a designer, you have probably heard of SketchApp – probably the no.1 app for mobile prototyping.  

 As for the writer part, well, I have always loved doing essays! From my school years even up to some side jobs :)   


    I would say that I'm a bookworm since childhood. From the time hardbound Encyclopedia was still a thing (90's kids will never know the feeling of a Encyclopedia vendor coming to your house with boxes of Encyclopedia books :) ). Science books and history books are my favorite. Fictions too are on my list especially if they are thriller or technology based. Recently though, I have been more of an e-book fanatic. Some of the recent books I have been hooked on are: 

  •    The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need by Andrew Tobias
  •    Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance
  •    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey
  •   Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising by Ryan Holiday
  •   How Not To Die by Michael Greger, M.D., MD


       I generally like movies or tv shows that engages our intelligence and logical reasoning. As for the most part, anything action and thriller is usually on my list.

Some of my favorite TV shows are: 

  •    Madam Secretary - I'm attracted to the family setting of this TV series and how they try to live morally and ethically despite all the turmoil of US Politics
  •   Shark Tank  - quite addicted to this haha. Gives my inner Entrepreneurial self some motivation and drive. The innovation and inspiration that comes from this show is so valuable if you'd like to start your own business 


Hopefully, I have given you a glimpse into my life and who I am. 

With this new way of blogging and earning at the same time, perhaps, this could replace my regular job in the future. Till then, I will strive to be better than yesterday on this platform.  Well wishes to everyone and thank you for taking the time to read and of course, for your upvote :)    

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