Who I am?

Hello dear people!

Just now I thought it was about time to tell you more about myself so I decided to write a couple of rows.

Before I start I want to say what I think about steemit.
That's a community like no other. Here I can express my thoughts and feelings, share my knowledge and earn money. In steemit I've already found many interesting people, so I'm sure that I will make more friends.

So who I am?
My name is Svetlin and I am 24 years old. I am born and raised in Ruse - a beautiful city located in North-East Bulgaria on the coast of Danube River. I will definitely post an article about it later.

12 years I’ve been studying in a German high-school. Well,I could speak German quite good back in the days but if you ask me to say something in German now - forget it. When you stop practicing something you are losing it.
After high-school I went to Sofia to study Transport and Automotive Technology in the Technical University. I’ve learned many things there but the most important thing was the friendships I’ve made.

In the mean time I worked as a bartender. Oh that was so fun – the parties the people, the cocktails and shots, the music and of course the girls. I had some good time then. Because this was part of my life occasionally I am going to post some cocktail and shots recipes.
Btw this was my crew!
I am the guy at the very left

Here is something more about me. I was wondering whether I should start with my passion or leave it for dessert but obviously a decision has been made.
So the cars are my passion. I like everything about them - from the way the first cars were invented to the modern concepts and innovations.

This started when I was only 3 years old. I had big collection of stickers, cards and pictures of cars and when I was walking with my mother on the street I could tell the Brand and the Model of every car that was passing by.ghibli-911s.jpg

At present I really enjoy watching World Rally Championship, Drift Races and Drag Races. rally-2424896_960_720.jpg

I can’t wait for the new season of World Endurance Championship to start on 6th of April. In the same matter you can find some news about WRC, WEC in my blog.

Surprisingly now my job has nothing to do with cars but still in the office I’ve found some other petrolheads who are speaking the same language.

Okay, I think that's enough said! Hope you've enjoyed!

By the way check out my recent article. It is part of a series in which you can participate.

Thanks for reading and for your time!


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