Hello Steemit, my name is Daniel. My dad will post my art to save money for me when I am older (and maybe some Legos too)!

Hello to everyone. My name is Daniel and my dad is posting fun things I like to do and my drawings. He will put things on this page so I can earn money for my savings so I can have a good future.

My dad was drawing pictures for a contest and I liked what he did so I drew him a Minion to put on his page. He used it for the color yellow day. I wanted to make more things, so he said he will put my drawing on this page.

The Minion I made for my papa.

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up yet. I like building things, drawing cool pictures, building legos, roller skating, play the piano, baseball, and playing games on my Nintendo like Minecraft. I also like Doctor Who.

My dad says all the money earned on this page will be saved for me when I am older and I can buy things that I like or save it for college. I will do a good job for you to like it.

Thank you.

@steempowerkid and @steempowerpics

Hello my fellow Steemians. I am Daniel's father, Chris @steempowerpics, I am the surrogate account owner and manager of this account until he is at least 13 years old. I will be putting together posts on this account. He has been watching me over the past few weeks while I was drawing for various contests, and creating entries from our recent trip to Orlando and wanted to post his art work, so I wanted to create a separate account where I post his work. He will not have direct access to the site. I will be with him any time we put together a post, when a comment or reply is made, and when a vote is cast on behalf of this account. I will be the one typing and posting, but allow him to express his own thoughts as he did above. Encouragement and support is always welcome. Thank you.

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