Introduction of Steemin adventurers

Hello Steemians,

Here is a brief intro. I am James, living in Bali and working around the region. I am looking forward to producing some steem, but let me tell you a little about myself first!


Looking at life a little differently. Exploring the world as best I can, with the amazing people I share my life with - my kids and girlfriend, Mariana, our circle of friends here in Bali and surrounds and my family back in Ireland. We are experimental people trying whatever comes our way and trying to see the good in everything we can. However, we accept the downs with all the ups and try to learn and improve each day, through each experience and trying to do things a little better, day by day.

Parent of two amazing children, Kali and Sid, who are the victims of my slightly different approach to this whole ‘growing up’ thing. I am not even sure if I have grown up yet!! I opened a Playschool and Kindergarten for them so that they could have a holistic early childhood experience and not your usual ‘run of the mill’ ABC learning. Put them into a Community School for their primary school, but the school in Bali has become increasingly elitist and I have decided to pull them out and go for a year of backpacking and home schooling in between whatever jobs I can get on the way.



Lover of Marmar, my Tinderella who was never supposed to be my significant other, but found a way into my life and heart. We have both been through our first relationship, so we are trying to be honest and open with each other and learn how to enjoy our relationship. I have learnt a lot in the last couple of years we have been together and I hope she has too.

Me and Mar.jpg
Me and Mar
Love you @steemymariyana

These will be the adventures of the four of us on tour, growing up together and getting things wrong but learning along the way!!

The four of us.jpeg

Thanks @michaelvagas and @basahlove for the intro to the site.

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