Introduce yourself

Good day steemians,
Its really awesome to finally become a member of the biggest trending online community in Nigeria. Steemit.
I'd consider myself privileged to make my first deep into the swirling pool of bonding, creativity and cryptocurrency. image
My name is ekeng victor uduak. I also like being called starvic. An undergraduate of Educational foundation in the university of uyo. I'm from Eket in akwa ibom state. I'm not completely ibibio, my mom is from Imo state, whuch makes me part ibibio, part igbo. I'm an all eastern dude but it's imperative i marry from the west.(that kinda balances the whole thing.) hehe.

I've always had a very healthy outlook about myself and somehow it's rubbed off on the things i love doing. image My hobbies.
I love playing and watching football, I'm a fan of one of the greatest team in the whole World. Manchester United. I could actually kill for them(not literally though). I love teaching, i love imparting knowledge, it gives me a sense of responsibility to youngsters. Most of all, i love politics especially American politics, even though I have dreams of becoming a vice chancellor one day, I still think politics is everything. I can cook, i sometimes make meals that are meals completely off the menu. @pharez is a witness of this goodness. I love improvising, its kept me and its still keeping me .

I just recently noticed that I'm developing interests in crypto-shares and its one of the driving force bringing me to steemit. I love investing and i believe I'd do more of that here. Its an obvious truth that education is not limited to information from classrooms only. But as man is a product of influence(external influence basically) i believe that there is no limit to how far we can learn, especially in crypto-world. image
However, I also hope to perfect my English speaking abilities here, as I'm stuck with igbo and ibibio for now. These are the only languages i speak fluently.

Finally, I'd like to appreciate @pharez for linking me up with steemit through @stach. #Project20millionNaija campaign.

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