Why I started Blogging?

Frankly speaking, I never ever thought in the wildest dream of life that I would start writing a blog! That’s because I’m neither an avid reader nor good at writing or expressing what I feel!
Since last few weeks or even months may be I feel there lot of thoughts, opinions, feelings piling up one by one and my mind is like a pressure cooker searching to vent out everything by writing which I usually don’t feel like sharing with others.
At first, I thought of writing my own personal diary and then I felt like writing and keeping it with myself is not going to satiate my thirst for expressing the thoughts. So, later I got this idea of starting a blog where I may come across people who share a similar thought or opinion or in a slightest possibility it might help someone!
So, I’m going to write down something that’s boggling my mind at the moment and I hope my write up(now and my future posts) will not be so bad that its scares people.

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