Introduce Yourself

Hey y'all,

My name is Michael and I live in the beautiful Rocky Mountains in Colorado! I moved out here just short of two years ago now, and if I have any advice on is MOVE SOMEWHERE NEW!!! I grew up in a small town of 1,200 in Southern Wisconsin for 25 years; saw the same people, went to the same places, made the same mistakes. I decided that it was time to really get my life on track and to do that I decided I needed a change in location. I felt this way because I need change... and in all honesty I needed it in droves. I became complacent in schooling, at my job, even in my personal life. I was so used to how everything went and I had such a routine that life became mundane.

In comes change...


Moving 800 miles away from basically ev-ery-bo-dy I know and beginning anew was the best choice I could've made. Moving to a place where you know no one really pushed me outside of my comfort zone; I started eating at places I've never been to, I started wandering into corner stores for no reason, I even started conversations with random people!

You never know what you are going to learn or who you are going to meet by just starting a conversation...which is why I urge everyone of you who are able to move OUTSIDE your comfort zone. Whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally..try things that you've never tried before and do not be afraid to fail. Failing is the precipice of knowledge, and knowledge is the power that fuels success.

Feel free to reach out, positive or negative I'm always open to new things! :)

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