What an opportunity to get on STEEMIT and great thanks to @ododah for introducing me onto the platform.

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My name is Bobby,fondly called Bobby Brown.
I am male of course and hail from Nigeria.
A family of 4, all male too.
I happen to be the 3rd of four children.
I love my parents.

I like traveling, adventure, and above all technology--something that can get me thinking out of the box.

For the purpose of my readers, this blog will mostly be about discoveries and updates in science and technology.

I can remember when i was in high school, i was so enthusiastic about the science field that i began reading my Chemistry textbook by (HOLDERNESS & LAMBERT) the 5th edition and guess what, i was thrilled by the topic,"RADIOACTIVITY". As naive as i was then, not knowing the realness of the topic as i erroneously related it to radio( wave transmitters). It later got boring to me when i read deeper and found out it was something entirely different from what i earlier thought it was.

Take a sip of steemit cup of tea,while i continue, steemit image 1.jpg
My dad, of whom i'm a favorite, used to tell me about my flare about electronics and gadgets when i was a small boy.
I would just want to know why a thing is working. And this led me to the destruction of most gadgets.
I can remember vividly the day i destroyed my mom's radio transistor. It was very beautiful and had some respect as at then.
My mom was a Nurse in this hospital which took her almost all day hours and before she returns, the mischievous boy "so termed" must have done an adventure, though in her 3 bedroom rented apartment. It got that bad, that some things were locked in her room till they return.

This never really altered that inquisitive craving about how technology was being translated into gadgets and just from a little device i can do so much.

I graduated from high school in 2005 and settled for the labour market. This for a while didn't give me that satisfaction i derived from the technology world. I had to push my way into phones and computers: talking about hardwares and softwares.
You may not believe this, but i was so into it that i started taking dead devices to engineers or electronics doctors just to see if they could fix them only to return knowing it was beyond repairs(not as though i didn't know this anyways). This i did deliberately, not because they could be fixed: didn't want to be an apprentice in a shop or office and waste time trying to learn from one master. So while i was doing this, i would be there to ask about certain parts of different devices and this took me like 3 months in 2006 to deal. I soon could open gadgets and fix them.
I remember fixing my mom's My X5 -2 flip sagem phone. The screen's flex has gotten weak and it needed a replacement. I got the phone and of course the repair fare which i converted to my pocket by risk just to prove a point.
Eventually, this was fixed and i was so excited. You can imagine the boldness and confidence i ran towards my mom telling her i fixed the phone.

By and by, i sought for a more and deepened knowledge about technology. I wanted to know more and do more.
I got i into an online study in HARVARD by David J. Malan. Site.

I'm advanced now, and yet the passion to explore more is on an ever increasing level.
I believe i can add value to this platform in the science and technology field, while being open to more knowledge.
Someday, i like to be in advanced countries technologically to up my game in this field.

So far on the STEEMIT platform, i have been seeing activities and watching the processes and it's a wonderful site where you are rewarded for being you, where you rub minds with great minds also on the platform and discover new things.

I want to appreciate the founders of steemit @Ned Scott and @Dan Larimer, (also the creator of BitShares) for this idea and many more steemians whose job is to reward people for their quality contents.

I will spend quality time in delivering quality contents in the science and technology field and i'm very open to new ideas and will love to interact with people on the platform too.

Let's get started.
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