Sophia Adlucem

Hello Steemit!

I am happy to have been introduced to this platform by my good friend Jeremy Crow who suggested that this would be a great place to create my first blog. Here is a photo of me, to put a face to these words....


My interests are predominantly esoteric and occult, however I have been told that I have a talent in translating my findings in lay-mans terms, to that which is easily understood.

Those with a keen eye for Latin will correctly surmise that I align myself with the Luciferian current, my wish as a delineative of the light bearer, is for the greater mysteries to be understood by the many, to free souls, (or at least create insights that make for deep and interesting conversation.)
I am eccletic and chaotic in my practice and beliefs and through this I know I can bring a wide range of topics to the surface.

Much of my material is relayed through the Jungian process, I am currently working on a system that combines the Jung theory with the Egyption theory of the soul, the astral .. and of course, these "undead," and awakened philosophies, inevitably, at times, raise the folklore of the vampire. This particular concept is not fully formed for discussion, but I thought it worth a mention as an example of musings to come. I am a proponent and balance of the darkness and light.


For now I shall be revisiting and revitalising some of my earlier material thus forth only provided in the facebook forum. I seek to expand from this platform, to escape its limitations. I have a modest f.b following totalling around 30,000 people, predomintly these seekers follow the left hand path.
My goal is also somewhat to raise the veil that shrouds the lhp, to introduce insight, and possibly dissolve some of the fears that the path brings to mind for some. Somethings that I write will resonate and be useful to all, and others may appear a little dark, I do hope that one will bare with me as I seek to shine light in the dark.

My other interests are business orientated, I am a business owner on the material plane and am looking to create two more business in the near future. I hope to interject my esoteric musings with practical planning, motivations, and goal orientated articles. I am entering the world of webbuilding, blogging, and commerce with no experience, maybe I can provide with my learnings and successes, and maybe we can laugh together at any errors that I stumble through. I know exactly nothing about alternate currency and I know I shall be seeking from others here on these topics, I look forward to learning and reading as much as I look forward to contributing here!


I am a lover of nature in every sense of the word (photo above taken from a closeby and favorite walk,) and am fortunate to live in a vastly natural part of the UK. I roam the land often with my little dogs (whom I lovingly refer to as the mini beasts, photos below .. the white one will only sit still to photogtaph when he is exhausted!)


I like my cities to be old and quaint, I have an artistic background, and a keen eye for photgraphy, I am proud of this photo I took at the sunset on a recent trip to Edinburgh.


I am also writing a couple of books, one is an expression of my darker nature, a biography of a vampire that also contains some hidden knowldge. My focus is to ever awaken, and so the second book focuses on accomplishment of will through practical lhp, the aim being to eventually expand from this a think tank and a support group for those that are willing to discover the responsibility they hold within their lives.

I could write forever but I fear that if I do, there will be a point in which I loose your focus if indeed you have not already! So I shall wrap this up by saying that I am excited about the possibilites of this new venture and that I am looking forwards to interaction on here and in getting to know new people and perhaps even meeting a friend or two.

Ave! 💜

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