Introduction: RainbowJaw - Video Art, Film, Projection, Photography

For any moderators: I've added a link to my steem blog on my vimeo account as proof of ownership over the art I post.


My name is Nils, I'm a multi-disciplinary artist with an obsession with light. My background is in Film, and through working as a projectionist at an art theater for many years, projectors have become a main tool of mine.

Photo by Benjamin Torrey

I'm a big believer in the Creative-Commons, you will often find my work licenced in a way that it can be reused by other artists. Collage art in still images and video have always been a big focus of my work. A fan of Marcel Duchamp from an early age, the importance of art can be gained through its context rather than neccesarily how it was made.


The direction of my work has shifted some in recent months, you can see much of what I have been posting already on this account. This year I'm making a determination to focus and develop my voice, and build up a body of work. Too many passions keep me a bit scattered, but I think it also makes my work unique.

Below I've highlight just a few of my past projects to give a small overview of my work.

Projection Work: Naked Noise

Naked Noise is an anual drone rock event I have been a part of for 5 years now put on by Ithaca Underground in Ithaca, NY. Honestly a live event as immersive as this one is hard to describe through any kind of documentation, If you are ever in the area in April you should come check it out!

Photos by Benjamin Torrey



My photographic works have always been personal to me. I haven't exibited since college, although I have considered creating a photo book to print in the future. These examples are a bit eclectic, but you can find more of my photo work on or on an old retired blog:





Film work:

A big passion project of mine is the feature film Fix it! Alexis, I worked as editor, animator and came on as an executive producer in post production on the film. Unfortunately the film is not yet available to view, but i plan to keep steem updated on the project as it finds distribution.

Much of my most recent film work is caught up in the festival circuit, so I'm unable to share it publicly, so I thought I'd go a different direction and show you some really old videos. These are three popular videos I have on youtube and vimeo. They aren't necessarily my favorite videos, I don't share them often any more, but it gives you a small sense of my early years as an artist.

I Look forward to seeing how this platform grows, and thank you every one for making user owned media/publishing a reality!

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