
Writing this right now seem to me like I have been wasting away because I have been in the midst of a revolving world but yet I remained stagnant hoping for a miracle while it was just right in front me. But then, now I am determined to make a mark since it is “BETTER LATE THAN NEVER”.



Hey guys don’t get it twisted. My name is Asiwaju Mary a.k.a THE VIRGIN MARY JANE. I must confess, the Origin of this name “Virgin Mary Jane” is something I can’t still place my finger on. It all seemed like a planned work when the lecturer came into the class that faithful morning and said “the award of the best student for the just concluded mid-semester test goes to” I was praying quietly in my mind to be that person because I knew how much I sacrificed for the test and to my greatest surprise and shock, the lecturer and the students in the class all echoed “virgin mary jane”.

Immediately, some group of guys came to drag me out to the front of the class where the lecturer presented me the award smiling and said “congratulations dear. Keep the fire burning our very own Virgin Mary jane”.

At this point, it dawned on me that I just got a new name and I had to accept the new name because it became a trend in school. I am a young lady who became 21 year of age last week but I haven’t been feeling the vibes of growing older so far.

I am proudly a Nigerian, a native of Osun state, Ilesha to be precised. I guess without mentioning, it is so obvious that I am a Yoruba girl. I am a light skinned tall lady. I am a Christian by birth but not an extreme one just that I love doing things that are morally right so I guess that might have been one of the reasons I was given that alias. I live with my mom and siblings in one of the ghetto areas in Lagos. If you were looking for someone that was very friendly and fun-loving, then I used to be that very person until different situations of life swept me off my feet then I had to cut off my social life because I had to work extra hours if I was going to survive on this planet earth and also not to become another disappointment to my momma. I am a lover of football even though I don’t even know how to push a ball. Right now, I have so many things going on in mind and I don’t even know where to start from but I hope something good comes out of it at the long run.



I am the second child of a once happy family. My family consisted of a man, my mother, and four other children apart from me. You might be wondering why I used the term “Man”. My so called “Father” used to be a loving and caring man that was loved so dearly by my mother and also the children. He was the dream man of every family that came across us. He made life seem like a bed of roses to us. If only wishes were horses, then even the beggars will ride.

I wish I could just go back to those good old days when I was proud of him, when he was a role model and a true father and he will sit me down and give me the do’s and don’ts of planet earth. All this crash landed when another woman came into the picture. She was a she-devil sent into our home to steal, destroy and even kill if she had the opportunity. It is a story I don’t like remembering. That aside, although we have been struggling to meet ends but then we still get the course to smile because Mama is always proud of us. My siblings are one of the craziest people in the world. They are always there when you need them. If you are heart broken and you need laughter in your life, then I think coming to my house is the very best solution for you.



I am proud and can boldly tell you that I am a primary school certificate holder, a Junior secondary school certificate holder and of course, a Senior secondary school leaving certificate holder. Presently, I am a student of Bowen University Iwo. I am a student of the department of micro-biology. I am a supposed 300l student but I had to leave school for the main time due to the fact that there is no fund to continue. If only I knew that tables will turn around, I would have just waited patiently at home to search for an affordable Federal University. Hopefully, heaven will smile on me soonest and I will be able to go continue my education. I am a big lover of reading books so I plan to attain a PhD before I quit and face other things. So help me God.


I would be so ungrateful if I fail to acknowledge the fact that been on this platform is like a dream come true to me. Even though I am coming into this community at this moment where my ulterior motive is for the money, I really plan to make impact in this community. The call of making fast money was what kept ringing in my head when daddy left home. He was the bread winner of the house so when he left the house, there was nothing left to hold on to. My siblings had to stop the private school they were attending since the embarrassment was becoming too much.

They became a regular customer of the school for most esteemed school fee defaulter. Since mom could not be of any assistance, and help was not forth coming from anywhere they had to go to public school. Since things were not going rosy any longer, I had to cut of many things from my life which included the fun part of my life and also my education which was very paramount to me. I guess I was at the right place at the right time and this caused a turnaround in my story even though I am still hopeful.
A customer of ours in a supermarket where I work whose name is @official-hord happened to forget his phone the day he came to shop. I kept the phone for him so he came to collect it. We got talking so I explained some things about myself. He asked me how much I was earning from the supermarket and I told him the price which was N7500. He felt pity on me so he gave me the sum of N10, 000. He was so plain and simple. He told me how he got the money and that was the beginning of my sojourn in the Steemit world. Like I said earlier, I joined for the money because I need to go back to school but having taken my time to go round the Steemit community; I have discovered that I am getting the best help from this platform. I am a very good writer, a good reader and also an impact maker. This platform is a place where I can improve my writing skills; even while out of school, it will enable me do more research. It is a community of give and take. I have realized that I have a lot to contribute here and in the outside world.

There are so many people outside there and even here that have one problem or the other like me. I want them to know that there is always a way out and they should not give up. I plan to be a source of motivation here. I know I would not regret been on this platform.


I must not fail to acknowledge everyone that is putting his or her effort in making this community a better place. Starting from the very creator of steemit in person of @ned to the very newest steemian in this community. I love you guys and I hope to see you all at the top.

Thanks for taking your time to go through my work, really appreciate


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