100 Followers Strong! Forever Grateful <3

Allow me to reintroduce myself 27 days later...


100 followers and 27 days active, here are a few things I have picked up on during my short time on Steemit:

I have learned that life is full of beautiful people, and so many of them happen to be on Steemit. There are so many different people on Steemit with differing views than myself, but I am able to have thought provoking conversations instead of the typical insults being hurled at me via keyboard warriors on typical social media. I can open up about what I think and who I am to this community and I get so much positivity and love in return, it takes me back a little.

Life really is what you make of it and happiness is a choice. Sometimes it isn't the easiest choice to make, but you have to push through and persevere. Thank you to everyone who is following me and on this journey.

Virtual hugs to all.

This is my 100 followers happy dance!

(It'll probably look similar to my 200 followers happy dance...)

Love y'all


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