Helloworld! Introducing our family blog

Hello, Hello!!!

First things first, My name is Keila and I love to post our families adventures, we are a family of 7, 4 kids under the age of 10 and our rescued dog Rosiethedog, we are Brasilians, we speak portuguese, spanish and english.

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I've been posting (in portuguese) and didn't have yet introduced our family/travel/food/photograph blog here, I've been writting blogs in different plataforms for at least 7 years now, first at blogspot, now with wordpress and here at steemit.
You can see more at:
https://aventuraefamilia.wordpress.com/ and https://doteserubis.com/
I love to produce content, good and enjoyable content, I did mostly of my writting in Portuguese and I am super excited now to write in english too.

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Aventuras e Família in english means Adventures and Family, pretty obvious right? So basically we talk about favorite family related topics, everyday tips, food+healthy eating, photograph, travel, and my husband is really into cryptocurrency and I am learning as well, I believe one of our goals in this community is to ewpower people to persue their goals and to learn more about cryptocurrency in the process.

We currently live in the beautiful beach of Porto de Galinhas in Pernambuco, Brasil.


I hope that you guys enjoy my content, feel free to help (actually, pleaaaase help me) if you notice any mistakes, wich generally happens when you first start in a digital platform like this, don't hesitate to tell me.

As I learn more and more I will pour out more content here!


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