Introducing Sheila Forde

Hello Steemians

I first heard about Steemit when watching a YouTube video posted by Crypto0, who mentioned Greg Mannarino. I decided to check out Steemit and based on Greg's post about it, I took the plunge and set up my account.

I've made a few posts now, followed a few people, and responded to more posts. However after watching a detailed video on Steemit by George Donnelly, I am now introducing myself.

I am now in my 7th decade of life and I have done a lot in my lifetime so far, but there's still a lot more to achieve.

I thought I would be an accountant as I enjoyed working with numbers. After 3 years in that industry, I felt it wasn't for me and decided, as I wanted to travel, to become a flight attendant. So with the help of Singapore Airlines, I saw quite a bit of the world in the 7 years I was working for them. I met my first husband during that time and when I left the airlines, I worked with him in his textile manufacturing business.

During this time I was introduced to network marketing as I thought it would be a good source of additional income. However it has proved to be something that I cannot seem to get going with, having tried it with different companies/products.

Sadly, my husband passed away suddenly and while winding down the textile business, fate took me on a different path - a spritual path. I became a yoga and meditation instructor and now I have been teaching yoga for 9 years. The business instinct in me is always present and I'm always looking for ways to create more wealth. In the year running up to my 60th birthday, I had made a decision to reduce the number of classes I teach and had to find another source of income to supplement the reduction. I thought I would try network marketing again having seen various posts about successes using social media to promote the business. Once again, it wasn't my thing and I didn't succeed trying to resuscitate the one I had kept in limbo. Looking around, I found various other network marketing type businesses online and got started with them. I have earned money with a handful and having been online, I have seen other businesses and have diversified now into the crypto currency domain.

So here I am on Steemit, waiting to get started to share my experiences and knowledge with the community.


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