Hello Steemians! I'm Shannon Grace, and I'm thrilled to join this community!


Hello, dear Steemians!

I'm Shannon Grace, and I am passionate about being a voice of love.

This vision began in my earliest youth. My father would weave bedtime tales of traveling the world in a hot air balloon, one we'd kept hidden in our garage and dragged out late in the night while our city slept. We'd take off to foreign lands and join Cocoa the Cow or Annie the Sugar Ant in their quests to serve mankind, offering blankets and food and unconditional love to those in need. With the magic which accompanies most fairytales, we'd arrive back home just before dawn to deflate and tuck away our balloon in its top-secret spot.

We were undercover superheroes, and I was hooked.

Dad's very first story spun held me spellbound, and hundreds more instilled in me the notion that my family was not only the 8 of us under that humble roof I grew up in, but rather billions of us under the same stars.

My mother, too, was a force of love, and no doubt the angels rejoiced when she joined them. On her gravestone reads, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." It's a scripture she'd stitched into a work of embroidered art and displayed on our living room wall. A daily reminder to do right, to live our truth.


It's an ideal I've always done my best to uphold. I have often failed. I am imperfect. I've had dark days and moments I'm anything but proud of. But I always find my way back to love. I find giving it is often as simple as a smile for a stranger, a compliment or blessing for a friend in need, or merely showing up and offering a warm presence for someone who feels hopeless, scared, or alone.

I've explored being of service through bigger avenues as well, through fundraising, speaking, and writing. I feel I have even more to give, and intend to grow myself in many ways to reach higher dreams. I am ready.

I'm currently studying cryptocurrency, have made some small investments, and look forward to expanding my knowledge to gain both insights and resources to further my ability to make an impact in the world. Thus, my Steemit adventure begins!

On this platform, I intend to post photos, videos, and writings from the most authentic place in my heart - all woven with elements of truth and service and love.

Thank you for reading Steemians! I'm looking forward to learning, connecting and building this community with you!

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And if you're into inspiring quotes, check out my Pinterest

Sending you love and light and every beautiful vibe there is. 💙


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