Who am I? (Ghostwriting with Pen Names)


Who am I? Lucy Sage Dreamtree, "Wife" of Larry Sage Dreamtree. I am a writer/blogger with a focus on art, music, and social progress. Also, I am a "hippie" Mom who, like my husband, consumed a rather huge quantity of LSD by accident at a young age. For the "record", we both survived and are both individuals intelligent enough to make it in this crazy world. By the way, do you "got any change?" Any um, "Change" is helpful.

Yeah, if you haven't figured it out, spoiler alert, that actually isn't my real name, though I would like it to be. Nor is Larry really Larry. We chose these names for ourselves for many reasons, mostly because we are a team and both names form the acronym "LSD". Sage refers to the plant used by the Natives as a sacrament for rituals. "Dreamtree" contains the acronym "DMT". Oh? You "got it" now? Sweet. Let us continue.

Dolly and Molly with Tryptophans.JPG

I met Larry (real name: Brandon Truster) back in 2012 when he was a struggling artist/musician who was "living in a van down by the river". Well, more of an ocean than a river, as he was spending his time traveling the Pacific Northwest near the Ocean in attempt to find a place to put down some artistic roots. I was a single mom doing, well, single mom stuff. You know what I mean? Being online all day. Getting Foodstamps, Medicare and other forms of Government Assistance while keeping my kid a safe distance from any TV. Cooking. Pretending to clean. You know? "Life"!

When I met Brandon I found myself endlessly fascinated with his art/musical style. It reminded me of being on LSD even though I hadn't had any in years. Looking at it made me "feel" things. Everything from what is familiar to what is foreign would swell up from within all at once. That kind of feeling that makes you stop what you are doing, even if you have to "pee really bad" just lose yourself to the moment for more than a moment. The lack of symmetry made his work more believable, as a "trip" tends to be organic with movement, making anything symmetrical move and bend out of alignment like a pulsating organ. I knew there was something different about this dude, yo!

Don't get me started on his weird Frank Zappa meets The Chipmunks meets Mr. Bungle meets Skrillex type of music. We don't even know what to call the music. For now, since it is made of corrupted sound samples, Brandon just calls the style "corruption" as a testament to the state of the world today.


Gee, it would seem this is more about Brandon? Well, like I said, I was a single mom doing single mom things, so most of my time then was spent with my kid from a previous relationship. My involvement in this didn't happen until recently, as Brandon brought it to my attention that this whole thing could probably be streamlined if I was willing to use some of my awesome "single mom free time" (which doesn't really exist) to do the work he doesn't want to do. What is that work? Online presence.

Girls Made of Fruit Flavored Powdered Macoroni Salt.JPG

You can go look it up if you want to, but, to save you some trouble you will find Brandon doesn't have the best online presence. In fact, many artists and musicians don't have the best online presence. The tendency is for them to give into their emotions and post rant/raves that cause people to just want to keep scrolling instead of becoming involved. Brandon recognized this, FINALLY, then put me at the helm at making him look good. I guess that is what I do? What is the profession called when it is your job to make people look good? How much does it pay? Um......

I don't know yet. This is just getting started and it is Brandon's job to keep track of all of the Crypto stuff that goes over my head. For all I know, I am actually getting ripped off here so maybe it is time to stop introducing myself here and learn a little something about Crypto? Is that ok? I can do that, right?

Sure I can.

I am LSD (Lucy Sage Dreamtree). Mother, Blogger, Hippie, Activist, Lover of Art & Music, Former Shaman-in-Training, and Realist looking for Social Change. I love supporting artists, musicians, and thinkers of all types! To quote hip-hop culture, I am here to "Represent"! (Go look that one up, quick!)

"We Got this Shit!" -LSD

Much Love!
Lucy Sage Dreamtree
with approval from,
Larry Sage Dreamtree (artist Brandon Truster)

All artwork submitted on this post are portrayals of my daughter and I as done by artist Brandon Truster, with the exception of thE bEans album cover for, "Relax, Your Brain is Melting", also by Brandon Truster
You can find more of his work using the following links:

https://www.artopium.com/mosphit/ (purchase art and music from Brandon as well as other artists)

https://www.facebook.com/trustertheartist/ (give it a like if that is worth your time)

https://mosphit37.wixsite.com/brandontrusterart/about (official website and donations)



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