Hello to Steemit!

Greetings, and hello to Steemit - it's great to be here :)  

I had no idea Steemit existed until a couple of months ago when I happened upon a YouTube video where it was mentioned. Intrigued, I decided to check it out, and... what an incredible platform!   

It's an ingenious concept and a fantastic opportunity for those eager to share their ideas with the world.  I've considered blogging in the past but like 101 other things, it's something I just never got round to doing. With Steemit, those with something to say now have a platform and a potential audience they can share with and learn from, and even earn a few buckeroonies - how awesome is that?!  

And the audience, at the moment at any rate, does seem to be largely of a libertarian/anarchist persuasion - something I identify with (although I still have a LOT of reading to do on political philosophy!).    

A big topic on Steemit is of course cryptocurrencies. I've known about Bitcoin for a couple of years or so, but until now hadn't investigated them in any depth. I'm now in the middle of Dominic Frisby's Bitcoin: The Future of Money?, and I've become quite fascinated by the whole blockchain/cryptocurrency concept.      

So what else am I into?    

I'm interested in philosophy, psychology, self-development, MBTI (I'm an INTP), introversion and the trait of high sensitivity (as well as music, film and travel).    I'm particularly interested in the introvert/extrovert dichotomy and it how it manifests in the world. I'm also happy (and relieved) that introversion is now slowly edging it's way into the public consciousness, thanks to the work of Susan Cain and others.    

Well, I think that's enough about me for now. Thanks for reading and my best wishes to you, fellow Steemies :-) 

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